Health Walk - Tuesday 5th July 2016
Photos by Michael and Sandy - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Twenty-one walkers today - Abi, Bernadette, Carol, Carole, Colin C, Graham, Harry, Ilene, Irene S, Irene T, James, Jennifer, Lawrence, Linda D, Linda E, Margaret, Maureen, Michael, Pat, Sandy and Suzie..
Michael was leading the Main Group, Suzie the short walk and Lawrence was Back Marker for the main walk. Suzie and Lawrence are learning to be Health Walk Leaders prior to formal training as is James and he led for short periods while Michael was walking up and down the line.
After introducing Abi and Harry, Chorley Council Community Support Officers, he set off towards the Pinetum.
As we crossed the Wooden Bridge we turned right and walked up into Gravel Hole Wood and on into Dog Kennel Wood

Photo 9 - Sandy Photo 10 - Sandy Photo 11 - Sandy
but Suzie and Sandy turned left along the Cycle Track - green route and arrows - walking along the river where they were impressed by the new building with its windows.
As we left Dog Kennel Wood to go up into the Field, Lawrence and Pat - blue route and arrows - waited for us to come back to the Boat House and continued round the Lake with us.

Photo 7 - Sandy Photo 8 - Sandy Photo 9 - Sandy Photo 10 - Sandy
Meanwhile Suzie and Sandy had walked up the slope to the Lake and preceded us round the Lake, spying the Heron, down the steps and along the bottom of the Dam and catching the Grebe and a bee.

Photo 1
The leading members of the main group walking along the bottom of the Dam. Suzie and Sandy were out of sight by now having already crossed the Stone Bridge.
Suzie and Sandy avoided Walkers Wood and Cock Cabin Wood. I missed out Walkers Wood too with Jennifer, Lawrence and Pat.

Photo 2
Graham rescued this small toad from the Cycle Track after we had left Cock Cabin Wood

Photo 3 Photo 4 Photo 5
Strolling towards the Cinder Path. Harry and Abi are in Photo 4 with Graham. Lawrence, as Back Marker bringing up the rear.
As we entered the Cinder Path we could just see Suzie and Sandy about to climb the steps out of the Cinder Path.

Photo 6
Almost at the end of our walks walking up Sue Ryder Drive.
Today's walks
Red is the main Walk
Blue is a couple of shortcuts taken by two of the main group
Green the shorter Walk
Michael Swarbrick