Health Walk - Tuesday 12th July 2016
Photos by Michael and Sandy - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Twenty-four walkers today - Bernadette, Brian, Carmel, Colin C, Colin D, Elizabeth H, Frankie, Graham, Ilene, Irene S, John, Joyce, Judy, Lawrence, Linda E, Margaret A, Margaret W, Michael, Muriel, Pat, Sandy, Suzie, Sylvia and Zandra.
It was John and Margaret W's first walk with us.
Dry with the occasional flash of sunshine.
Michael was leading the Main Group, Suzie the short walk and Lawrence was Back Marker for the main walk. Suzie and Lawrence are learning to be Health Walk Leaders prior to formal training while Michael was walking up and down the line.
After introducing John and Margaret, we set off towards the Hall, a small deviation to our normal start.
We walked along the sunny, well when the sun shines, side of the Hall and through the kissing gate down to the Stone Bridge.
We crossed the Stone Bridge, walked along the bottom of the Dam and climbed up to the Lake. We walked round the Lake and met Suzie and Sandy who had walked direct from the Stone Bridge to the corner of the Lake.
We carried on up into the Field while Suzie and Sandy retraced our steps along the Lake, down the steps along the bottom of the Dam and onto the Cycle Track to walk along the river to the Wooden Bridge.
We walked along to Hawks Clough and keeping straight on going round the ASDA Loop clockwise where we normally walk up to the Ponderosa first.
Now we should have had Twenty-two walkers but I could only count eighteen? Had we lost four? Yes? There were various views as to what had happened to them.
We arrived at Hawks Clough on our homeward journey and crossed the Field intending to drop down to the Lake

Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3
Walking along the Field back to the Lake - all photos are from the same frame clipped twice - desperate for photos today.
As we prepared to go up into Dog Kennel Wood I counted again and there were twenty-two?
The disappearing four thinking we were doing the normal walk had walked up to the Ponderosa - blue route - I only discovered this when we were having our refreshment afterwards.
Here four of us elected to walk along the bottom to the Wooden Bridge while the rest of us climbed up into Dog Kennel Wood.
We crossed the Women's Institute Bridge into Gravel Hole Wood and eventually arrived at the Wooden Bridge where we picked up the route the two and four had followed.
We set off towards the Pinetum.

Photo 4 Photo 5
Sylvia pointing out the new building to Muriel as we approached Cardiac Hill
We all walked on the main paths back to the Barn except Suzie and Sandy who had climbed up to the new building, extended their walk down Berkeley Drive, round Cuerden Close and back to the Barn via Sue Ryder's Drive.
Today's walks
Red is the main Walk
Blue is the unexpected walk
Green the shorter Walk
Yellow the short cut taken by the four
Michael Swarbrick