Health Walk - Tuesday 2nd August 2016
Photos by Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Twenty walkers today - Carmel, Carol, Carole, Colin C, Elizabeth M, Irene T, Isa , Ishaaq, James, John T, Lawrence, Linda D, Linda E, Margaret R, Michael, Muriel, Pat, Rifat, Sylvia, and Zandra.
It was Rifat, Isa and Ishaaq's first walk with us.
Michael got James to lead the main walk. Michael suggested route 4. Lawrence was Back Marker for the main walk. Michael led the short walk with John T, they kept on the top around the Pinetum viewing Area and front of the Hall, Sue Ryder Drive, Cuerden Close, Shady Lane and Berkeley Drive - green route.
Warm and cloudy and rain was forecast however the rain held off - just spitting all day long.
James led off into the Pinetum. Michael and John left the main group and walked up to the Pinetum Viewing Area.

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I've no photos and comments from the main walk - perhaps someone will forward some?
As we climbed up to the Viewing Area Michael and John spotted this flower.

Photo 3
There were Robins and this Great Tit around

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We doubled back and walked past the new building where we saw Peter, Ian and Peter constructing the upper side of the north wall. Chairman John came to us and said he was going on holiday and afterwards would probably start Saturday working.

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We walked towards Snake Hill for a while and then turned back and walked along to the Hall and I explained to John that there used to be a track from this gate that led to Stag Lodge, the route the Townley Parkers used to go to St. Saviour's Church - I believe the church was built by the Townley Parkers.

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Eagle-eyed John spotted the main group emerging from Walkers Wood - he'd already seen them crossing the Stone Bridge when we walked along the top. These are the vanguard and they are waiting for the others to catch up.

Photo 9
They are now marching on to Cock Cabin Wood
Today's walks
Michael Swarbrick |