Health Walk - Tuesday 16th August 2016
Photos by Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Twenty-four walkers today - Asley, Carole, Colin C, Dave, Frankie, Irene S, Irene T, James, Jean, John T, John W, Judy, Lawrence, Linda D, Linda P, Margaret R, Margaret W, Maureen, Michael, Mike, Pat, Suzie, Trudie, and Zandra.
It was Dave's first walk with us and Mike and Trudie's first walk this year.
Michael led the main walk. Michael explained his plan and we set off towards the Stone Bridge. Lawrence was Back Marker for the main walk.
Sue led the short walk - green and John T did an even shorter walk - blue.
As we approached the Stone Bridge we diverted left and walked up into Cock Cabin Wood, round the pond where we saw Dragonflies and Damsel flies, and down through Walkers Wood where we heard the Buzzard mewing overhead.
We crossed the Stone Bridge and walked round the Lake where the Grebe family provided the entertainment, diving out of view and coming up where least expected.
Carole and Linda D took a short cut as we walked round the lake and walked along the river to join our route over the Wooden Bridge.
The rest of us followed James up into the Field and then back down and up into Dog Kennel Wood, emerging from Gravel Hole Wood to cross the Wooden Bridge and climb Cardiac Hill into the Pinetum and back to the Barn.

Photo 1
As we arrived back at the Barn LWT's Poldark was scything the little wild flower meadow outside the Barn.
Today's walks
Michael Swarbrick |