Health Walk - Tuesday 23rd August 2016
Photos by Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Eighteen walkers today - Carmel, Carol, Colin C, Elizabeth M, Frankie, Irene T, James, John W, Judy, Lawrence, Margaret W, Michael, Pat, Paul, Sandy, Suzie, Sylvia and Zandra.

Photo 1
We were invited to go wild in the Park! So we all registered.
Photo 2
James was leading, for the first time on his own. He had planned the walk and now he was executing it.
He gathered us all outside the Barn and explained the route, hazards and what we needed to look out for. He was so good that Frankie and myself wondered whether we should give up.
Lawrence was Back Marker for the main walk.
Sue led the short walk - just herself and Carmel, really Carmel just does the short walk to keep Sue company.

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Walking past the new building on our way down to the Stone Bridge

Photo 4
As we approached the Stone Bridge Sue and Carmel turned left towards Bikers Hill

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Waving to us as we walked along the bottom of the Dam
before they walked up into Walkers Wood, Cock Cabin Wood, round the pond and back to the Stone Bridge.
By this time we had crossed Stone Bridge and walked along the bottom of the Dam climbing up to the Lake.
Sandy spotted the Heron on the other side, hopefully a photo will appear her soon.

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There were families feeding the ducks and fishermen showing an interest in us.
We followed James up into the Field towards Hawks Clough.
Here James dropped down to walk clockwise round the path up behind ASDA. Sandy and I opted to walk along the side of the Ponderosa and wait for them to catch up

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at the top of the steps in Cam Lane.
From here James led us to the end of Cam Lane, down Sheep Hill and into the Park at Town Brow car park.

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Walking along the Cycle Track to cross the Wooden Bridge and climb Cardiac Hill into the Pinetum and back to the Barn.
Carmel and Sue walked along the Cycle Track in the opposite direction and crossed the Wooden Bridge, up into the Pinetum but unlike us they climbed the steps to look at the bird feeders.

Today's walks
The Go Wild event was for youngsters who did: den building for small creatures, pond dipping and making chocolate oranges with real oranges
Michael Swarbrick |