Health Walk - Thursday 25th August 2016
Photos by Michael
Today we had seventeen walkers - Ann, Carmel, Colin C, Colin D, David, Graham, Helen G, James, John W, Mary, Michael, Linda E, Peter, Paul, Sandy, Suzie and Zandra.
A contrast to last week, overcast but fairly bright. It had rained but we had a dry walk. David was leading the main walk and Peter the short one. We all set of together.
Through the Pinetum, Peter electing to climb up to the Viewing Area, over the Wooden Bridge David leading the main group right along the Cycle Track into Gravel Hole Wood and then Peter leading the short walk left along the river.
Through Gravel Hole Wood into Dog Kennel Wood, into the Field and down to the Lake side. As we walked along the Lake side we met the short walkers coming up the slope to the boat house.

Photo 1
We walked clockwise round the Lake together

Photo 2 Photo 3
observing the Grebe family. Peter and Sue noticed the Heron merging into the background on the other side of the Lake

Photo 4 Photo 5
These photos are Photos 2 & 3 with a bit of fun with Photoshop

Photo 6
Down the steep steps and walking along the bottom of the Dam to the Stone Bridge. Here we turned right up Bikers' Hill but Peter and Sue carried on up Snake Hill back to the Barn.

Photo 7 Photo 8 Photo 9
We entered Walkers Wood leaving to enter Cock Cabin Wood where we paused round the Pond
looking for fish and insects. Several movements in the water breaking the surface were seen but nothing identified.
On along the Cycle Track to the Cinder Path just before which Graham explained the blemishes on the Horse Chestnut leaves where caused by damage being done by a species of butterfly/moth that lays its eggs on the leaves and the larvae proceed to eat them. A mutual dependency which Graham speculated would eventually lead to both's destruction.
Thank you David and Peter for enjoyable walks.
Today's walks
Michael Swarbrick |