Photos by Michael Today we only had eight walkers - Carmel, Colin C, James, Michael, Linda E, Paul, Sandy and Suzie. It was pouring down as we set off. That may not have been the reason we were so few. Of the regulars eight are on holiday, one is on family duty and one is indisposed Michael was leading the main walk and Suzie the short one. James was Back Marker. We all set off together into the Pinetum and over the Wooden Bridge. After we had crossed the Wooden Bridge Sue and Sandy turned left along the Cycle Track and the rest of us turned right and climbed up into Gravel Hole Wood. Through Dog Kennel Wood and into the Field were we encountered the cows, calves and a huge bull. I said "Good morning" to the bull, he was blocking the path. He nodded and left the path climbing up into the Field taking most of his flock with him. I'm not frightened of cattle, perhaps I should be? We descended the steps to the Lake side
We continued round the Lake and spotted Sandy and Suzie waving to us.
We all crossed the Stone Bridge but Sandy and Suzie carried on up Snake Hill back to the Barn. We turned up the track to Walkers Wood and out of there into Cock Cabin Wood and round the Pond. We then turn back along the Cycle Track, down Bikers Hill and up Snake Hill.
Thank you all of you for turning out on what promised to be a very wet morning to walk in Walking for Health's Find you Feet's Cuerden Valley Health Walk Michael Swarbrick |