Photos by Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one Only fifteen walkers today - Carmel, Carole, Colin D, Elizabeth H, Elizabeth M, Irene S, Irene T, Lawrence, Linda E, Michael, Pat, Paul, Sandy, Suzie and Sylvia. At least seven of the regular walkers are on holiday, one was worn out after a holiday and two were recovering from a visit to hospital. A lovely sunny morning!
Michael leading, Lawrence Back Marking, Suzie Leading the short walk. We all set off towards the Cinder Path the short walkers gradually falling behind. We entered Cock Cabin Wood and watched a dragonfly zipping round above the water. I tried to photograph it but without success. We left the wood and entered Walkers' Wood
We walked across the Stone Bridge and climbed up to the Lake, round the Lake and into the Field. Down again to Dog Kennel Wood and through Gravel Hole Wood but by popular inference and with plenty of time left, we continued along the Cycle Track looking for the Kingfishers in vain but eventually arriving at the Stone Bridge and attacked Snake Hill
Only a few photos again, you can see why Sandy isn't carrying her camera so we'll have to hope I get my inspiration back soon or also maybe some help from Judy. We arrived back at the Barn but as we all came together the tea and things were not waiting for us! Red - main walk Michael Swarbrick |