Photos by Michael & Sandy Today we had twenty-two walkers - Bernadette, Colin C, Colin D, Carol, Carole, David, Elizabeth H, Elizabeth M, Graham, James, John W, Linda E, Margaret W, Mary, Michael, Paul, Sandy, Suzie and Zandra It looked like it may rain but the weather improved as we walked ending up sunny. Michael arrived late and it appeared that everyone was outside the Barn looking like they were about to start walking? Suzie told Peter he was leading the short walk, the short walkers were assembled inside ready to leave. David asked me if I would mind if he didn't lead today and of course I didn't - David normally leads on a Thursday. Then someone said James was leading? James clarified that he wasn't so Michael took over and set off towards the car park unprepared and unsure of where to go. He elected to go through the Pinetum down to the Wooden Bridge and as he was walking down he thought it could be a good day to walk up through the Cow Field, it can be stressful trying to vary the walks. As we walked along the Cycle Track, Michael had waited for the walkers who were falling behind and he asked them, obviously as it turned out not heard by all of them, if they wouldn't mind walking up the Cow Field if there were no cows and there appeared to be no objections. David offered to be Back Marker but I'd already told/asked Elizabeth E to be Back Marker. Michael walked to the front and satisfied himself there were no cows in the field. He climbed the stile and started up the Cow Field. One of the walkers from the leading group was stridently adamant that they were not going into the field, too muddy etc. So a number of the group broke away and followed the objector, a person who won't train to be a leader, doesn't want the responsibility. Michael carried on up the field with the remaining walkers. It was not muddy and the views from the top were spectacular. We crossed Cam Lane and walked down into Green Wood up and along the top then down the steps to Hawks Clough.
As we walked round the Lake we caught up with the Short walkers
We climbed down to the Picnic Area and the short walkers stepped aside and urged us to pass.
We went up Bikers Hill and into Walkers Wood. We emerged from Walkers Wood and entered Cock Cabin Wood and walked round the pond. Leaving Cock Cabin Wood we walked back down Bikers Hill and up Snake Hill, passing the seat without stopping. Paul was delighted when it was pointed out to him that he hadn't needed to rest, all his hard work is bearing fruit. In the distance we could just see those that had left us.
Thank you all of you for turning out this morning to walk in Walking for Health's Find you Feet's Cuerden Valley Health Walk Michael Swarbrick |