Health Walk - Thursday 29th September 2016
Photos by Michael & Sandy
Today we had seventeen walkers - Bernadette, Carmel, Colin C, Colin D, David, Elizabeth H, Frankie, Graham, Helen, James, John W, Mary, Michael, Paul, Peter, Suzie and Zandra
It was a little windy but lots of sunshine
James reported that the Cinder Path was still very muddy so we decided to avoid it again and do Tuesday's route but clockwise this time.
Helen volunteered to lead but asked Michael to explain her choice of route as she wasn't familiar with the names of the woods and features.
(Helen is one of the five walkers who have been walking since the walks started in 2010. She has been a leader for several years but recently had to give up walking during the week to help her family out)
Michael was back marker and Peter led the short walkers

Photo 1 Photo 2
We all set out down Snake Hill towards the Stone Bridge

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We turned before the Stone Bridge and walked up the Cycle Track to Cock Cabin Pond.

Photo 5
We carried on round the path through the wood, Cock Cabin Wood, emerging on to the the Cycle Track where we

Photo 6
met the short walkers who were on their way to Cock Cabin Wood which they walked round in the opposite direction to us

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Peter's group returned from Cock Cabin Wood back down the Cycle Track but we walked down through Walkers Wood.
We all crossed the Stone Bridge but Peter led his group along the river whereas Helen led us along the bottom of the Dam up to the Lake.

Photo 10
We walked round the Lake and up into the Field and then down again to the entrance to Dog Kennel Wood.
We walked through Dog Kennel Wood and Gravel Hole Wood and crossed the Wooden Bridge.

Photo 11
A good view of the new building

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The volunteers are fitting the felt and boards over the cafe area - soon all the inside will be waterproof.

Photo 14
In the distance we could see we were catching up with the short walkers. It was very dark and windy here so the photo is out of focus, very show shutter speed but you can see the boughs swaying. Suzie is the red blob.

Photo 15
The more athletic amongst us are now walking ahead while the rest of us are getting our breathe back

Photo 16
Determined to be different the short walkers took a short but steeper cut back pass the new building to the car park
and Barn enticing Zandra away from us.

Photo 17
The last hill before the Barn!
Good to see you all this morning to walk in Walking for Health's Find you Feet's Cuerden Valley Health Walk
Today's walks
Michael Swarbrick |