Health Walk - Tuesday 11th October 2016
Photos by Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Twenty-two walkers today - Carmel, Colin C, Colin D, Frankie, Geoff, Irene S, Irene T, James, Jennifer, John W, Karin, Lawrence, Linda E, Margaret, Maureen, Michael, Paul, Peter, Sandy, Suzie, Sylvia and Zandra.
It was Geoff's first walk with us.
Overcast but a good morning for walking.
Jim was leading and Frankie was back marker to the main walk. Peter was leading the short walk.
Jim had looked up previous walks and decided to resurrect an old one but extend it a little into the south side of the Park.
The main group set off down Berkeley Drive and on to Shady Lane. Walking south up the gradual incline in single file, well most of us, we reached the rickety stile into the Hay Fields, over the next high stile with barbed wire (Jennifer snagged her trousers) and down to the bottom of the field to climb over an even more rickety stile.

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Here we had to cross Town Brow, Frankie is making sure it's safe for us to cross

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Safely across the road we are in the south side of the Park

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We're reaching the highest point of the Cycle Track (National Route 55) with the river Lostock way below us on our left.

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Downhill for a while

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We've just left the Cycle Track and are about to cross the river

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Climbing again stepping over cow pats this time

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Still climbing

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Turning left round the bend, James striding out leading us towards the Ley Inn

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We're out on to Back Lane heading downhill to Town Brow.
We crossed the road, it was very busy today but we all got across safely.
Back on the Cycle Track now heading north to the Wooden Bridge

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Nearly at the top of Cardiac Hill. The new building is coming on but still a long way from completion

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Frankie and Irene looking at the huge Monkey Puzzle tree whilst waiting for Michael to catch up.
Peter led his flock down Snake Hill over the Stone Bridge, up the steep steps to the Lake, round the Lake, where they spotted the Heron. Up into the Field and back down to the entrance to Dog Kennel Wood
They accepted the challenge and climbed up into Dog Kennel Wood, through Gravel Hole Wood, down to the Wooden Bridge and up into the Pinetum. Three of them walked up to the Viewing Area to see the birds and pay homage to Bernadette F but Suzie carried on along the bottom to meet them again at the new pond. Arriving at the Barn well before us.
Everyone seemed to enjoy the walks, especially Geoff.
Today's Walks
Red - main walk
Green - shorter walk
Michael Swarbrick |