Photos by Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one Today we had nineteen walkers - Ann, Bernadette, Carmel, Colin C, Colin D, Graham, Helen, James, Jean, Jennifer, John W, Linda E, Margaret W, Mary, Michael, Paul, Peter, Suzie and Zandra. It was another good morning for walking, dull and still, as you will see from the few photos Michael was leading, Carmel was back marker and Peter led the short walk We all set off down Snake Hill. As we neared the Stone Bridge Peter led the short walkers off to the left and up towards Cock Cabin Wood. We crossed the bridge, walked along the bottom of the Dam and climbed up to the Lake.
We reached Hawks Clough and ascended to the Ponderosa, which seems very quiet these days.
We walked to the end of Cam Lane and crossed the road, Michael using his Hi-Vis jacket to stop the traffic while we all crossed. We walked down Sheep Hill and crossed the road back into the Park at Town Brow car park joining the Cycle Track. As we neared the wood before the Covert Pond Michael said he was going to walk along the river and anyone who would prefer not to could carry on along the Cycle Track. Everyone followed Michael although as we wound our way through the mud, avoiding the tree roots, ducking under the fallen tree trunks there were murmurs of dissent "Who picked this route" but we found out later that they were winding Michael up. Peter's group had walked round Cock Cabin Pond and returned to the Barn retracing their outward steps We were all reunited in the Barn for tea/coffee and biscuits. Everyone seemed to have enjoyed the walks. Good to see you all this morning to walk in Cuerden Valley's Health Walk Michael suggested to Carmel, his back marker today, that it would be nice for us to take part in one of the Chorley Walks. Carmel has some experience of these walks and suggested the Croston one. Michael Swarbrick |