Health Walk - Tuesday 29th November 2016
Photos by Michael and Judy - Please click on photos to see a larger one
On a beautiful frosty morning with bright sunshine we had twenty-seven walkers.
James was leading, Frankie was nominated back marker and Peter led the short walk, nine today
We set off into the Pinetum and down to the Wooden Bridge.

Photo 1 Photo 2
Peter led his group down Snake Hill and across the Stone Bridge up the slope to the Lake, round the Lake and back down to the Cycle Track along the river to the Covert Pond. Turning round they retraced their steps to the Wooden Bridge and up Cardiac Hill up the steep path to the new building and back to the Barn.

Photo 3 Photo 4 Photo 5 Photo 6 Photo 7 Judy
The photographers at the bottom of Cardiac Hill, "we can't wait for them they'll have to catch up"

These five photos are also taken by Judy and I'm guessing at the location in photos 3 to 5

Photo 8 Photo 9
Setting off to Back Lane

Photo 10
What has caught Barbara and Clare's attention, is it the realisation that they aren't the last?
Photo 11
We came across the rangers layering the fence
alongside the Cycle Track

Photo 12
Not far now to Back Lane

Photo 13
We've climbed up Back Lane and are now on our way into the south area of the Park

Photo 14
Leaving the top path
we're dropping down to the river

Photo 15
You can just see the footbridge over the river, Carmel is just on it followed by James

Photo 16
Starting on our way back

Photo 17
Approaching the Covert Pond, the limit of today's Short walk

Photo 18
Soon be passing the Wooden Bridge

Photo 19 Photo 20
Almost at the top of Snake Hill pausing for a rest in the sunshine - note the long shadows

Photo 21
The new building is making progress inside

Photo 22 Photo 23 Photo 24
Photo 22 is where Colin and Michael were working on Saturday. Preparing for the external walkway. Cutting Cuerden wood to shape

Photo 25
Everyone seemed to have enjoyed the walks. It had been a little fast at the start. Nine people did the short walk, a record for this walk. Some of the long standing walkers are not happy with the longer faster walks
Today's walks
Today's walkers:
Main Walk - Barbara, Bernadette, Carmel, Clare, Colin C, Elizabeth M, Frankie, Graham, Irene S, James, John W, Judy, Lawrence, Margaret W, Michael, Sandy, Sylvia and Zandra.
Short Walk - Ann, Brian, Carol, Carole, Elizabeth H, Irene T, Pat, Peter and Suzie
Cuerden Valley's Health Walk
The Chorley Walks.
Michael Swarbrick |