Photos by Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one Today we had twenty-four walkers. A nice morning Michael was leading and Carmel was back marker. Peter led the short walk The main group set off into the Pinetum and up into gravel Hole Wood The short walkers set of down to the Stone Bridge and walked up into Dog Kennel Wood and made their way back up Cardiac hill and the Pinetum to the new building and back to the Barn This Thursday, unlike last week, we met the short walkers coming up the slope to go through the woods on the same path as we'd been on but walking in the opposite direction. We walked up into the Field and down to the Lake, round the Lake and
We carried on up the slope into Walkers Wood and entered
We walked back down the Cycle Track and up Snake Hill then round the front of the Hall and back to the Barn. As we approached the front of th Hal lwe disturbed at least two Jays who flew off into Wilbrahams Wood. You'll notice Jim appears to be in the lead on many of the photos. Michael gives the leading walkers directions as to where Michael plans to walk and then he's free to take photos and wander up and down the line to check everyone is walking with someone and that everyone is OK. He tries to make sure new walkers are integrated. He doesn't always succeed.
Today's walkers - Ann, Bernadette, Carmel, Carole, Colin C, Colin D, David, Elizabeth M, Frankie, Irene S, James, Linda E, Linda P, Mary, Paul, Peter, Suzie, Sylvia and Wendy. The Chorley Walks. Michael Swarbrick |