Health Walk - Tuesday 12th February 2019
Photos by Sheila T - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Thanks to John W, Sheila T and Brian L for providing the information for this report and Sheila for the photographs and most of the words
Today there were forty-three walkers.
"A steady drizzle with a sharp windy in the open areas but we had a good walk today. We had two new walkers who joined the main group today." - Sheila
Brian L led the Elite group with Margaret W back marker.

Photo 1
The main group setting off. They walked through the Car Park, round the Barn to the Hall Drive.
The Elite group had set off down Snake Hill but turned off to go round the front of the Hall and followed the main group down the Hall Drive
Both groups turned on to the Cinder Path. At the End of the Cinder Path the main group turned right down the Cycle Path and the Elite group turned over the M6 footbridge to go round the north side of the Park clockwise and then returned along their outward route.

Photo 2
Gathering the main group as they exit the wood we entered from the Cinder Path
They went along the Cycle Path and entered Cock Cabin Wood

Photo 3
Rounding the pond in Cock Cabin Wood

Photo 4
Descending into the valley through Walkers Wood
Photo 5
Over the stone bridge - the volunteer team can be seen installing a new bench overlooking the river

Photo 6
Round the Picnic Area and up the steps to the reservoir
Photo 7
along the Dam. Leaving the Dam and walking along Cam Lane, passed the Cam Lane Cottage and through Cam Wood and
Photo 8
through our new favourite gate into the cow field
Photo 9
Crossing the Cow Field into Gravel Hole Wood, down the hill, along the Cycle Path,

Photo 10
over the Wooden Bridge and up Cardiac Hill, into the Pinetum and back to refreshments in the Visitors Centre
Today's walks (Red Main Group, Green Short Walk Option Group).
Where there are green arrows on the red route it means the Elite walkers had followed the main >> or the main group had followed the Elite walkers >>. similarly for the blue arrows
Compiled by Michael Swarbrick
Cam Lane
Cam Lane Cottage
The Chorley Walks.
Cinder Path
Cock Cabin Wood
Cuerden Hall
Cuerden Valley's Health Walk
Lower Kem Mill
Hawksclough Farmhouse
Visitors Centre