Health Walks 2017
Please click on pictures to see a larger one and text for the report
Thursday 28th December - It was threatening to rain/hail stone but we all set off optimistically . . . 
Tuesday 26th December - Boxing Day . . .
Thursday 21st December - Another drizzly morning but it didn't dampen our spirits . . .
Tuesday 19th December - A damp misty morning but everyone was happy . . .
Thursday 14th December - Today we had twenty-three walkers and the rain held off for the duration of our walk. . . .
Tuesday 12th December - . . . Michael S led the main walk with Lawrence back marking . . .
Thursday 7th December - . . . As we crossed the Wooden Bridge . . .
Tuesday 5th December - . . . who were rewarded with a lovely walk under the clouds . . .
Thursday 30th November - Thirty-one walkers today and two dogs . . .
Tuesday 28th November - . . . forty three off a new adventure . . .
Thursday 23rd November - Twenty-one today . . .
Tuesday 21st November - Forty-six walkers turned up and itstayed fine for them
Thursday 16th November - . . . it had been pouring down all night . . .
Tuesday 14th November - "! . . . thirty-one walkers who were rewarded with a lovely walk, overcast but the colours were . . ."
Thursday 9th November - James leading on one of his long walks . . .

Tuesday 7th November - Today we had thirty-three walkers. A very wet morning . . .

Thursday 2nd November - Carmel was leading the main walk with David H back marking. Suzi led . . .
Tuesday 31st October - Carmel was leading the main walk with James Mc back marking. Peter . . .
Thursday 26th October - Today we had thirty-two walkers, two dogs, Otis & Paddy, and odd spits of rain

Tuesday 24th October - . . . were rewarded by a dry warm walk in pleasant surroundings . . .
Thursday 19th October - Twenty-eight walkers today . . .

Tuesday 17th October - Today we had forty walkers and some sunshine . . .

Thursday 12th October - . . . we had thirty-three walkers and some sunshine . . .
Tuesday 10th October - Today we had thirty-four walkers, including five Anns, . . .
Thursday 5th October - James led us into the south side of the Park . . .
Tuesday 3rd October - . . . Lawrence, having ascertained that the Cinder Path was almost dry led us off in that direction . . .
Thursday 28th September - . . . everyone was looking at the Carp . . .
Tuesday 26th September - Fifty-three walkers this morning, eight opted for the short walk - a new overall record! . . .
Thursday 21st September - Today we had we only had fifteen walkers, it was very wet! . . . .
Tuesday 19th September - Still wet underfoot but even so Carmel picked a route that could be expected to be dry . . .
Thursday 14th September - One of those clouds one minute and sunshine for a few seconds days! . . .

Tuesday 12th September - Thirty-two walkers this morning, five opted for the short walk
Thursday 7th September - Today we had twenty-nine walkers and it was DRY . . .
Tuesday 5th September - Heavy rain again! River in spate with many rivers flowing across the paths! . . .
Thursday 31st August - Rain rain and more rain . . . and cows! . . .
Tuesday 29th August - . . . The cows are lying down. Does that mean rain? It didn't in fact it turned into a lovely day. . . .
Thursday 24th August - . . . dozens of fish were killed . . .
Tuesday 22nd August - Hot, humid but it didn't rain
Thursday 17th August - For the first time since we introduced the short option walk . . .
Tuesday 15th August - Forty-two today, sixteen of them, a record, opting for he short walk . . .
Thursday 10th August - Today we had thirty-two walkers and dry weather. . . .

Tuesday 8th August - Carmel was leading the main walk . . .
Thursday 3rd August - Today we only had twelve walkers walkers and no rain although we expected bucket loads . . .
Tuesday 1st August - It was a strange morning, sunshine and black clouds but we dodged the rain . . .
Thursday 27th July - Inclement weather again . . .
Tuesday 25th July - Gloomy, Scotch mist morning but we all enjoyed Lawrence's walk . . .
Thursday 20th July - One of James' longer walks today into the South Park . . .
Tuesday 18 - Forty-five walkers this morning . . .
Thursday 13th July - Carmel was leading the main walk, . . .
Tuesday 11th July - Again it was raining and at times pouring . . .
Thursday 6th July - Carmel was leading the main walk . . .
Tuesday 4th July - Forty plus two walkers this morning, ten opted for the short walk . . .
Thursday 29th June - . . . you all know the rules . . .

Tuesday 27th June - Only twenty-four today - is it the rain?
Thursday 22nd June - . . . The rain stopped as we started and we had a pleasant walk in the relative cool. . . .

Tuesday 20th June - Numbers up again today . . .
Thursday 15th June - John W leading . . .
Tuesday 13th June - A lovely sunny morning with thirty-five walkers . . .
Thursday 8th June - Rain, rain and more rain but not quite a windy . . .
Tuesday 6th June - Annual Volunteers Walk and Health walks - wild and wet
Thursday 1st June - . . . Michael set off round the Hall and into James Walk to the Cinder Path . . .
Tuesday 30th May - . . . the reluctant straggler . . .
Thursday 25th May - only fourteen walkers today on another fine sunny morning . . .
Tuesday 23rd May - yet another lovely sunny morning and a good turnout . . .
Thursday 18th May - Another lovely sunny spring morning . . .
Tuesday 16th May - Raining! Only 16 turned up . . .
Thursday 11th May - James' Bluebell Walk . . .
Tuesday 9th May - Forty-six today . . .
Thursday 4th May - Another venture into the dark side . . .
Tuesday 2nd May - Another lovely spring morning . . .
Thursday 27th April - Michael leading, had forgotten his script . . .
Tuesday 25th April - James' Bluebell walk . . .
Thursday 20th April - . . . Margaret warned us that we would be crossing roads . . .
Tuesday 18th April - A lovely sunny spring morning . . .
Thursday 13th April - Carmel leading today around he back of ASDA . . .
Tuesday 11th April - . . . should Michael S' walks carry a Health Warning? . . .
Thursday 6th April - more walkers today and some new faces . . .
Tuesday 4th April - Another good turnout but the sun hid away until we left after our tea/coffee and biscuits
Thursday 30th March - Today we headed for Outer Mongolia . . .
Tuesday 28th March - A different walk today . . .
Thursday 23rd March - Margaret's assessment walk - she passed as expected
not finished yet
Tuesday 21st March - Lawrence's assessment walk - he passed, as expected . . .
Thursday 16th March - James' assessment walk - he passed and is now a certified leader . . .
Tuesday 14th March - no sun today but 38 walkers enjoyed John W's assessment walk . . .
Thursday 9th March - . . . walkers for a dry and sunny morning . . .
Tuesday 7th March - The sun tempted us all out but it disappeared as soon as we started . . .
Thursday 2nd March - Another disappointment for Margaret . . .
Tuesday 28th February - Carmel's assessment walk for her leader's certificate
Thursday 23rd February - Wind gusting up to 80 mph so the walk was cancelled however . . .
Tuesday 21st February - A nice day for a walk but no sun . . .
Thursday 16th February - Suzie's leadership evaluation day . . .
Tuesday 14th February - Forty-one on a lovely sunny morning
Thursday 9th February - Another good turnout . . .
Tuesday 7th February - It was a lovely morning . . . with plenty of sunshine . . .
Thursday 2nd February - Today we had twenty-three walkers for another very windy
Tuesday 31st January - It was really wet and muddy, but not raining . . .
Thursday 26th January - another dull day . . .
Tuesday 24th January - Lawrence leading today . . .
Thursday 19th January - . . . James led off into the Pinetum, down Cardiac Hill . . .
Tuesday 17th January - . . . New heavy duty gates have been installed! . . .
Thursday 12th January - Today we had thirty walkers for a miserable wet morning but it didn't deter us
Tuesday 10th January - 41 walkers today a new record . . .
Thursday 5th January - . . . Another lovely crisp morning, very cold with frost on the ground, and loads of sunshine . . .
Tuesday 3rd January - A good turnout today with more regular Chorley walkers joining us

Sunday 1st January - New Years Day