Photos by Michael S - Please click on photos to see a larger one Today we had fifty walkers plus three dogs. Carmel was leading the main walk with James Mc back marking. Peter led the Elite group with Suzi back marking. Carmel did her introductions and led us off into the Pinetum
The Elite walkers went straight down Snake Hill.
Over the Wooden Bridge and up into Gravel Hole Wood, through Dog Kennel Wood, through the Kissing Gate into the Field, now on Cam Lane. As we walked along the edge of the Field just before we came to the next Kissing Gate on the left almost completely hidden by the trees is Hawksclough Farmhouse, a listed c. 1700 building spotted in the local press by Brian C. If anyone would like to buy it it is quoted at £275,000. Pressing on up to and past the Ponderosa
Walking along the top then down the steps following the path to the Muddy Puddle and over the Footbridge back up to the Kissing Gate and along Cam Lane through the Field and down to the Stone Bridge. We crossed the Stone Bridge and made our way up Snake Hill and back to the Barn The Elite walkers had turned up Bikers Hill and climbed up to Cock Cabin Wood where they made their way anti-clockwise along the path walking round the Pond, coming back out on to the Cycle Track to enter Walkers Wood. Leaving Walkers Wood they walked down to and crossed the Stone Bridge to walk along the river to the Wooden Bridge and climbed up Cardiac Hill into the Pinetum. In the Pinetum they climbed up to the Viewing Area before making their way back to the Barn.
Today's walkers Main Walk - Ann B, Anne K, Barbara, Bernadette, Brenda, Brian C, Carol L, Carol W, Chris H, Christine S, Clare, Carmel, Colin D, David L, Elizabeth M, Frankie, Graham, Ilene, Irene S, James Mc, John W, Judy, Keith, Lawrence, Margaret A, Margaret W, Marilyn, Michael G, Michael M, Michael S, Sheila T, Vic, Vivien, Yvonne & Zandra Short Walk Group - Ann S, Beth, Carol R, Colin C, Dianne, Elizabeth H, Gwen, Irene T, Jennifer J, John B, Muriel, Norman, Pat, Peter W & Suzi Compiled by Michael Swarbrick Cinder Path Cuerden Hall Hawksclough Farmhouse The Chorley Walks. |