Health Walk - Tuesday 21st February 2017
Photos by Michael S - Please click on photos to see a larger one
It was a lovely morning for a walk but no sunshine.
Forty-two walkers today. Lawrence was leading, Frankie was back marker and Peter leading the Elite walk, six today.

Photo 1
Lawrence led us into the Pinetum and up to the Viewing Area and bird feeder. By the time the photographer got there all the birds had flown

Photo 2
Walking down Cardiac Hill

Photo 3
A view of the new building from Cardiac Hill
We crossed the Wooden Bridge and walked up into Gravel Hole Wood where Lawrence paused to let us all catch up. We carried on through Dog Kennel Wood and turned through the Kissing Gate and walked up into the Field

Photo 4
and down the steps to the Lake, here Lawrence is again letting the tail-enders, under the watchful eye of Frankie, catch up

Photo 5 Photo 6 Photo 7
Again lots of birds on the Lake this morning. The Canada Geese seemed to be paddling round in pairs

Photo 8
The white goose and his/her mate

Photo 9
Unusual to see an even number of ducks and drakes, usually, at this time of year, it's a number of drakes following a duck
Photo 10
Looking for the Heron but not seen this morning

Photo 11
Another view of the Lake

Photo 12
Michael likes to see the reflections but the auto focus prefers the branches in the foreground

Photo 13
What seems to be becoming known as the long or steep steps, this time going down although it's just as hard to go down as up.

Photo 14 Photo 15
Walking along the bottom of the Dam (The Lake is actually a reservoir, because of the Dam) and heading for the Stone Bridge.

In photo 14, centre left, (This is a blown up version of Photo 14) you can just pick out Suzie, back marking for the Elite walkers, just disappearing up the slope to the Lake.
We crossed the Stone Bridge and headed up into Walkers Wood and then into Cock Cabin Wood

Photo 16 Photo 17
Several werre looking into the pond as if there was something to see. Eventually we all spotted the large Carp moving, just an orange smudge in the photo.

Photo 18
Leaving the Cycle Tack to enter the Cinder Path
We walked up Sue Ryder's Drive and back to the Barn where we were again lucky to be able to use the classroom but what a din!
Peter led the Elite walkers past Sue Ryder's Cafe and round the front of the Hall and up into the Park car park before joining the main group's route into the Pinetum and up to the Viewing Area and down Cardiac hill.
From the Wooden Bridge they turned left and walked along the river climbing up the slope, Photo 14, to the Lake and again following our route round the Lake and over the Stone Bridge but here they walked straight up Snake Hill back to the Barn - 1.7 miles
Today's walks
Today's walkers:
Main Walk - Anneke, Barbara, Bernadette, Brian C, Carmel, Chris, Christine S, Clare, Colin C, Elizabeth M, Frankie, Graham, Helen G, Ilene, James, Janet, Joe, John W, Judy, Lawrence, Linda E, Linda P, Margaret A, Margaret W, Marilyn, Michael G, Michael S, Maureen W, Paul, Peter H, Sheila, Sylvia, Vic, Vivien, Yvonne, Zandra and Theo (Maureen's Dog).
It was Vivien's first Health Walk.
Short Walk - Ann, Carole, Irene T, Pat, Peter W, and Suzie
Cuerden Valley's Health Walk
The Chorley Walk - Find Your Feet scheme.
Cinder Path
Compiled by Michael Swarbrick |