Health Walk - Thursday 21st December 2017
Photos by Michael S, Eileen & Sheila T - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Today we only had twenty walkers and Sally, Peter's little dog
It was drizzling but we all set off optimistically
Michael was leading with Carmel back marking. Sue led the short option with Colin C back marker, only three of them today so Ann was looked after really well.

Photo 1 - Eileen
Geoff filling in his Walker Registration Form, it was Geoff's first walk with us

Photo 2 - Eileen
a rare photo of Michael

Photo 3 - Eileen
Eileen taking photos before we set off.
Much to James' annoyance we were late setting off into the Pinetum, dropping down straight away on the 'short cut'. Leaving the Pinetum we went down Cardiac Hill, crossing the Wooden Bridge and going up into Gravel Hole Wood then Dog Kennel Wood

Photo 4 Photo 5
As we were leaving Dog Kennel Wood we met the Elite walkers just entering. The Elite walkers had come straight down Snake Hill, over the Stone Bridge, across the bottom of the Dam, up the Long Steps to the Lake, along the Lake to here where we met them. They followed the reverse of our walk up to now but as the entered the Pinetum, after a short rest, they climbed up to the new building on their way back to the Barn
We, the main group, turned right

Photo 6 Photo 7
and went through the kissing Gate into the Field and walked along Cam Lane to Hawks Clough.
We started to go clockwise through Green Wood and 'forded' the muddy patch

Photo 8 Photo 9
after a while we climbed the steps up to the top of this section of the Park carrying on until we climbed back up on to Cam Lane
We walked along Cam Lane past the Ponderosa back to Hawks Clough carrying on

Photo 10 - Eileen
to drop down to the Lake, leaving Cam Lane to go down the steps to the Lake

Photo 11 - Eileen
We walked round the Lake, down the Long Steps, along the bottom of the Dam, crossing the Stone Bridge and walked up Snake Hill back to the Barn.
Even though it was damp and dismal we all seemed to enjoy the morning ending the walk with mince pies and Christmas cheer.
Today's walks (Red Main Group, Green Short Walk Option Group).
Where there are green arrows on the red route it means the Elite walkers had followed the main >> or the main group had followed the Elite walkers >>. >> walking the same route twice.
Today's walkers
Main Walk - Amanda, Bernadette, Carmel, Colin D, David H, Eileen P, Geoff T, Graham, James Mc, John W, Keith, Linda E, Margaret W, Michael S, Moira, Peter H & Sally, his dog & Sheila T
It was Geoff's first walk with us although he is a regular volunteer at the Park but still has to go to work for a few years yet
Short Walk Group - Ann S, Colin C & Susan S
A few words from Keith (copied from Facebook):
A persistent drizzle, plenty of mud, lots of splish-sploshing, and the constant sound of rustling nylon - I don't know what it says about me (please don't answer that) but I loved every minute of this morning's walk! Waterproofs were certainly essential, but the remarkably mild temperatures meant one got wet from the inside out today. With all forecasts predicting adverse conditions for the whole day, a healthy number turned out for the last pre-Christmas walk in a park that was considerably quieter than Tuesday, but that only applied to the park itself, because the spirit among the group was terrific and the chatting incessant. It's always wonderful to be in the fresh air, getting some healthy exercise whilst surrounded by beautiful countryside, but that hardly seemed to matter today because more importantly it was an opportunity to spend a delightful couple of hours in the company of friends, sharing plans for the 'big day' and exchanging best wishes. Thanks to Amanda's foresight and festive spirit - liking the Santa hats ladies (AJF & EP), we were even treated to a selection of Christmas classics as we took our refreshments back at The Barn. It was also nice to see there was an Elite Walk as well today, as I guess three technically constitutes a quorum (?) - 'leader', 'back-marker' and 'the guided'. I'm so looking forward to the get together on Boxing Day, but before then I just want to wish every Cuerden Valley Park Health Walker a very happy Christmas and all the very best for the new year! Many thanks everyone for your wonderful company!
Compiled by Michael Swarbrick
Cinder Path Cuerden Hall Cam Lane Hawksclough Farmhouse
Cuerden Valley's Health Walk
The Chorley Walks.