Photos by Peter W - Please click on photos to see a larger one Today we had forty walkers and some sunshine which again highlighted the autumn colours now appearing everywhere Lawrence was leading the main walk with Carmel back marking. Peter led the Elite walk Lawrence outlined his plans and the main group set off down Snake Hill up Bikers Hill into Walkers Wood, Cock Cabin Wood, round the Pond and back down to the Stone Bridge. Here they met the Elite Walkers
They climbed up to the Lake, round the Lake and up into the Field, walking down Cam Lane through the Kissing gate and up into Dog Kennel Wood. Walking through the wood into Gravel Hole Wood and down to the Wooden Bridge, up Cardiac Hill into the Pinetum and back to the Barn. I'm not sure where the Elite walkers walked but they may have walked into the Pinetum, down Cardiac Hill, along the river and up to the Lake
From the Lake they probably crossed the Stone Bridge and walked up Snake Hill
Continuing back to the Barn.
Today's walkers Main Walk - Alan C, Ann B, Ann F, Ann K, Ann T, Barbara, Barry, Brenda, Brian C, Carmel, Clare, Colin C, James Mc, Janet S, John W, Keith, Lawrence, Margaret W, Marilyn, Michael G, Susan G, Vic & Yvonne Short Walk Group - Ann S, Beth, Irene T, Jennifer J, John B, Peter W, Rene & Sandy Compiled by Michael Swarbrick from notes by Carmel The Chorley Walks. |