Health Walk - Tuesday 18th July 2017
Photos by Michael S & Sandy - Please click on photos if you wish to see a larger one
Forty-five walkers this morning, fifteen opted for the short walk
John W was leading the main walk with Margaret W back marking. Brian L was leading the Optional Short Walk Group with Suzi back marker.
John outlines his plans and started out for the Cinder Path

Photo 1
Walking down Sue Ryder Drive

Photo 2
Emerging from the Cinder Path and checking we are all together then we walked along the Cycle Track

Photo 3 Photo 4
to Cock Cabin Wood. Here we are round the pond watching the many Damselflies and a few Dragonflies

Photo 5 Photo 6
also the fishes, I've been told they are Rudd
We left the Wood and entered Walkers Wood

Photo 7
crossing the Stone Bridge

Photo 8
to walk along the bottom of the Dam

Photo 9 - Sandy
The short option walkers ahead of us - discussing the way ahead? They had walked in the opposite direction to us into the Pinetum, down Cardiac Hill, over the Wooden Bridge and along the river to the Dam.

Photo 10 Photo 11 |
Suzi cutting back the nettles so we can use the right-hand grab rail, looks like she's bitten of more than she bargained for. This little group let the other short option walkers go on ahead arranging to meet them at the Kissing Gate to go down the slope to the Stone Bridge. While Suzi attacked the nettles the others attacked the Himalayan Balsam.
From the Stone Bridge they walked up Snake Hill, round the sunny side of the Hall and back to the Barn

Photo 12
The scene greeting us at the top of the steps.
Photo 13
We had another photographer who seemed to ignore Margaret's requests to keep up.

Photo 14 - Sandy
Now what did Sandy imagine this was, Churchill?

Photo 15 - Sandy

Photo 16
You can just pick out the main group

Photo 17 - Sandy
The Elite walkers were preceding us round the Lake
here Sandy photographed us walking along the shore while they were walking down to the Kissing Gate.

Photo 18
Another rest at the top of the steps while the 'photgraphers' caught up.
At the Kissing Gate John took us up into Dog Kennel Wood then Gravel Hole Wood, down to the Wooden Bridge, up Cardiac Hill, through the Pinetum and back to the Barn
Today's walks
Red - main group - 2.8 miles
Green - short option group
Where there are green arrows on the red route it means the Elite walkers had followed the main >> or the main group had followed the Elite walkers >>
Today's walkers:
Main Walk - Anneke, Bernadette, Brian C, Carmel, Carol W, Christine D, Colin D, Edward, Frankie, Graham, James Mc, Joe Mc, John Mc, John W, Keith, Lawrence, Linda E, Margaret W, Marie, Marilyn, Maureen Mc, Michael G, Michael S, Phillip, Susan G, Sylvia, Teresa, Victor & Yvonne. It was Edward's first walk with us
Short Walk Group - Ann S, Barbara, Brian L, Carol R, Christine S, Clare, Elizabeth B, Elizabeth H, Irene T, John B, Mary, Norman, Pat R, Sandy & Suzi
Cuerden Valley's Health Walk
The Chorley Walk - Find Your Feet scheme.
Cinder Path
Compiled by Michael Swarbrick |