Photos by Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one A lovely crisp morning Thirty-eight walkers today. Carmel was leading, Michael was back marker and Brian leading the Elite walk, six today, with Suzie back marker Carmel led off into the Pinetum and down Cardiac Hill, over the Wooden Bridge and up the path between Gravel Hole Wood and Black Banks Wood entering Gravel Hole Wood and walking on through Dog Kennel Wood. Leaving Dog Kennel Wood we turned right through the kissing Gate into the Field. We Climbed up into the Field and along to Hawks Clough turning right up the hill to the Ponderosa
We dropped down again to Hawks Clough and climbed up to reenter the Field. We walked along the Field and then down the steps to the Lake
Here Michael descended the short steps to get a photograph from the front of the group
We crossed the Stone Bridge and walked up Snake hill back to the Barn for our refreshments. The Elite walkers followed much of the main group's route. They climbed up to the Viewing Area in the Pinetum and where we turned up into Gravel Hole Wood the Elite walkers carried on down the Cycle Track to the Covert Pond before turning back and following our route through the Woods but they didn't enter the Field. They just walked round the Lake and following the path across the Dam, as we were to do later, and then preceded us down the steps along the bottom of the Dam and across the Stone Bridge, up Snake Hill back to the Barn.
Today's walkers: Main Walk - Barbara, Bernadette, Bill, Brian C, Carmel, Carol L, Carol W, Chris S, Clare, Colin D, David L, Elizabeth H, Elizabeth M, Graham, Helen G, Irene T, James, John Mc, John W, Judy, Lawrence, Linda E, Margaret W, Marie, Marilyn, Maureen Mc, Maureen W, Michael G, Michael S, Paul, Susan, & Yvonne. Short Walk - Ann, Brian L, Karin, Pat, Peter and Suzie The Chorley Walk - Find Your Feet scheme. Michael Swarbrick |