Many thanks to James, Judy, Lawrence and Peter for supplying the information and photos in this report Photos by Judy & Peter - Please click on photos to see a larger one A lovely sunny spring morning. Forty-nine walkers reported at the start and 47 walkers took part including dogs Nessie and Otis. Two records broken today, the biggest number overall, previously forty-two, and the biggest short option walkers, eleven, previously ten. James was leading, Lawrence was back marker. Peter W was leading the Optional Short Walk Group with Brian L as back marker, ten today.
James had planned a Bluebell start down the path he found last year. He led off through the gap in the Hall past the Sue Ryder cafe that was an across the car park into Wilbrahams Wood and along James Walk.
Entering the Cinder Path and walking along, turning right on the Cycle Track and into Cock Cabin Wood and round the Pond
Here Frankie took over as back marker for the rest of the walk. They walked along the bottom of the Dam, climbed up the steps to the Lake, walked round the Lake
They walked along the Cycle Track alongside the river to just past the Covert Pond when they entered the cross wood and walked back along the river to the Wooden Bridge and up Cardiac Hill back to the Barn. The short option walkers managed to walk against the main group again. They entered the Pinetum climbing up to the Viewing Area hoping to see some of our woodland friends, birds and mammals. They carried on down Cardiac Hill, over the Wooden Bridge, along the cycle Track and crossed the Stone Bridge to walk up Bikers Hill, through Walkers Wood and into Cock Cabin Wood. They walked round the Pond and back on to the Cycle Track and headed for the Cinder Path Leaving the Cinder Path the walked up Sue Ryder's Drive and back to the Barn after walking round the Hall - 1.7 miles, 50 minutes Red - main group Today's walkers: Main Walk - Anneke, Ann T, Barbara, Bernadette, Brenda, Brian C, Carol L, Christine D, Christine S, Clare, Colin D, David L, Elizabeth M, Frankie, Graham, Irene S, James, Janet S, Jean C, Joe Mc, John W, Judy, Keith, Lawrence, Margaret W, Marilyn, Maureen Mc, Michael G, Nessie, Otis, Pat B, Roseanne, Stephanie S, Susan G, Teresa, Vic, Vivien & Yvonne Short Walk Group - Ann S, Brian L, Carol R, Elizabeth H, Helen F, Jennifer J, Karin, Mary, Norman, Pat R, & Peter W It was Pat B's first walk with us also Stephanie's, Janet S' daughter. It was Nessie's first walk with us too, Pat B's dog. Michael & Suzie turned up with the biscuits and to sort out the cups etc. but then they went to Chorley Urgent Care Unit to check up on Suzie's bumped forehead. The Chorley Walk - Find Your Feet scheme. Compiled by Michael Swarbrick |