Health Walk - Thursday 24th August 2017
Photos by Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Today we only had twenty-two walkers and sunshine.
Five decided on the short option walk.

Photo 1
Margaret led us off through the bushes towards the Pinetum. Peter led the short option group along the road and into the Car Park where they walked down the path at the side of the new building into the Pinetum.
We all walked down Cardiac Hill, over the Wooden Bridge and up into the Woods.
As we left Dog Kennel Wood Margaret's group went through the Kissing Gate whereas Peter's group walked directly to the Lake, Margaret's group having walked up into the Field then down to the Lake followed them down the long steps, along the bottom of the Dam and across the Stone Bridge.

Photo 2 Photo 3
A we walked round the Lake I wondered what was that bird all on its own. It was a Canada Goose, usually they are in groups?

Photo 4 Photo 5
Approaching the Stone Bridge we saw the Pond Dippers. Last Thursday the river was in spate so they had to dip here and for a different reason they were here again:

Photo 6 by David Beattie
On Wednesday dozens of fish were killed when up to six miles (10km) of river in the Park became polluted, Brown trout and course fish died in the river between Chorley and Bamber Bridge. The Environment Agency is reported to have said it had identified the source of the contamination and was "progressing with legal action".

Photo 7
On crossing the bridge Peter's group carried on up Snake Hill Back to the Barn.
We turned up Bikers Hill entering Walkers Wood. Leaving Walkers Wood we went into Cock Cabin Wood, walked round the Pond and returned down Bikers Hill to walk up Snake Hill.
Unlike the short option walkers we walked round the front of the Hall back to the Barn
Today's walks (Red Main Group, Green Short Walk Option Group). Main Group: 2.8 miles in 61 minutes, Short 2 miles
Dotted red line is where some walkers took a short cut
Where there are green arrows on the red route it means the Elite walkers had followed the main >> or the main group had followed the Elite walkers >>. >> walking the same route twice.
Today's walkers
Main Walk - Ann T, Barry, Bernadette, Carmel, Colin D, David H, Elizabeth M, Graham, Helen G, James Mc, Janet S, Joe H, John W, Michael S, Margaret W, Moira & Sheila T
Short Walk Group - Colin C, Dianne, Peter W, Sandy & Suzi
Cinder Path
Cuerden Valley's Health Walk
The Chorley Walks. |