Photos by Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one Today we only had twenty-two walkers and rain before the start. Do we have some fine-weather walkers? The rain stopped as we started and we had a pleasant walk in the relative cool. A bit dark for photos. Michael S was leading the main walk, Carmel was back marker. Peter was leading the short walk option (Elite), Suzi back marking, five today. Michael pointed out Carmel as back marker and said you all know the rules and marched off in the normal direction of the Cinder Path. However he cut in front of the Hall and walked up Snake Hill past the new building into the Pinetum and down to Cardiac Hill. Over the Stone Bridge and left along the river where we
We walked up the slope to the Kissing Gate and entered the Field walking to Hawks Clough. At Hawks Clough we walked clockwise round the 'ASDA' ring returning to Hawks Clough and along the edge of the Field. As we reached the steps the leading walkers walked down the Lake but the ones at the back took the short cut direct to the Kissing Gate and on to the Stone Bridge.
We climbed up Snake Hill behind the Elite walkers who were well out of sight. They had walked up into Walkers Wood, Cock Cabin Wood and back down Bikers Hill to pick up Snake Hill.
Today's walkers Main Walk - Alan C & Otis, Bernadette, Bill, Brenda, Brian, Carmel, Christine D, Colin D, Dee, Elizabeth M, Graham, Joe H, John W, Margaret W, Michael S Moira & Yvonne Short Walk Group - Carol R, Jennifer, Norman, Peter & Suzi The Chorley Walks. |