Photos by Michael & Peter - Please click on photos to see a larger one Today we had thirty walkers. That includes Harry who was assessing James's qualities as a leader and Anne H, her first walk with Find Your Feet. James was leading the main walk with Carmel as back marker. Peter was leading the Short Walk Group. James told the walkers that he had a treat for them today - they were going to wander (not lonely) through a cloud of Daffodils. He set off through Sue Ryder's cafe mall. Crossing their car park into Wilbrahams Wood and along James' Walk lo:
He took us onto and down Sue Ryder's Drive to the Cinder Path We emerged onto the Cycle Track and walked along along the Cycle Track missing out Cock Cabin Wood and Pond down into Walkers Wood
Walking up the slope to the kissing gate and into the Field
Continuing through the wood back to Hawks Clough and then straight down to the Stone Bridge and up Snake Hill
We walked on to the Barn were James was congratulated for becoming a certified leader! Peter did a recce before he started the Short walk and photographed these interesting animals and flora around the viewing area in the Pinetum
They followed the main group but took a short diversion into Cock Cabin Wood and then avoided Walkers Wood and carried on down the Cycle Track snubbing the Stone Bridge, leaving the main group behind,
Today's walkers Main Walk - Allan, Anne H, Bernadette, Bill, Carmel, Colin C, Colin D, David H, Denise, Elizabeth H, Graham, Harry, Helen G, James, Joe H, Joe Mc, John W, Linda P, Margaret W, Maureen Mc, Michael S, Paul, Roseanne, Sandy & Zandra Short Walk Group - Ann, Carol, Norman, Peter & Suzie The Chorley Walks. Compiled by Michael Swarbrick |