Photos by Michael S - Please click on photos if you wish to see a larger one Forty-five walkers this morning, seventeen, another record, opted for the short walk Carmel was leading the main walk with Lawrence back marking. Peter was leading the optional short walk group with Suzi back marking. Hot, Humid, would it rain? It didn't Carmel led us down Snake Hill, stopping short of the Stone Bridge and leading us up Bikers Hill.
Carmel was in fine form striding out along the Cycle Track completely wound up in conversation. She had intended to take us into Cock Cabin Wood but well on her way to the Motorway Bridge she realised she had missed the turning but decided to press on and go into the Northern Area of the Park instead.
We went clockwise round the northern area returning to the Cycle Track and down the Cinder Path The Elite walkers walked through Sue Ryder's passage past the cafe, round the Hall and followed the main group down Snake Hill, up into Walkers Wood emerging on to the Cycle Track and walking back down Bikers Hill to the Stone Bridge. The crossed the Stone Bridge, walked up the slope to the Lake, round the eastern side of the Lake, up into the Field, down again to Kissing Gate and over the Stone Bridge to walk up Snake Hill back to the Barn. Red - main group Today's walkers: Main Walk - Ann F, Ann T, Barry, Bernadette, Christine S, Colin D, Dianne, Edward T, Elizabeth M, Graham, James Mc, Janet S, Joe Mc, John W, Judy, Julie K, Keith, Kerry, Lawrence, Margaret W, Marilyn, Maureen Mc, Michael G, Michael S, Sheila T &Susan G. It was Ann F's first walk with us and we also welcomed first timer Julie Short Walk Group - Ann S, Carol R, Carole, Elizabeth B, Gwen, Heloise, Irene T, Jennifer J, John B, Karin, Mary, Norman, Pat, Peter, Sandy, Sylvia & Suzi The Chorley Walk - Find Your Feet scheme. Compiled by Michael Swarbrick |