Health Walk - Thursday 4th May 2017
Photos by Michael & Linda P - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Today we had twenty-five walkers. Another gloriously sunny spring morning
John W was leading the main walk, Margaret W was back marker.
Suzie was leading the short walk option, only three today.
John explained the walk, introduced James H, a new walker, and set off towards the Cinder Path
As we left the Cinder Path John took us over the M6 bridge and under the M65 bridge into the northern area of the Park

Photo 1 - Linda Photo 2 - Linda
We turned left and walked down and round the pond continuing clockwise round the
path emerging once more on the A49 and retraced our steps under the M65 and over the M6 and continued along the Cycle Track where we

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saw the cows in the field and
were surprised when they all quickly came across to us, which pleased some of us.

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Here we met the three short option walkers going in the opposite direction.

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We left the Cycle Track, National Cycle Route 55, and entered Cock Cabin Wood walking round the Pond. The Hawthorn or May blossom is bursting out so it's OK to cast a clout hence Michael S' shorts appearing.

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Linda taking more photos with the other Linda.

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The Bluebells are really doing us proud this year.

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Photo 19 - Linda
As we left Cock Cabin Wood we saw the Hall over the Sue Ryder Scrape and entered Walkers Wood.

Photo 20 - Linda Photo 21 - Linda
Leaving Walkers Wood we descended Bikers Hill and walked up Snake Hill but didn't go directly to the Barn

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but made a detour round the sunny side of the Hall first.
Suzie led the short option walkers out of the Barn and along the sunny side of the Hall following our path in the opposite direction but avoiding Walkers Wood. As they came to the M6 bridge they entered the Cinder Path coming out on to Sue Ryder Drive but turning into Cuerden Close and taking a short cut through the woods back to he Hall. Some kind souls have cleared the path.
Today's walks (Red Main Group, Green Short Walk Option Group)
Today's walkers
Main Walk - Alan C, Ann T, Aysha, Brian C, Carmel, Colin C, Colin D, David H, James H, James M, Jean C, John W, Keith, Kristina, Linda E, Linda P, Margaret W, Melissa, Michael S, Sandy, Vic and Yvonne
Short Walk Group - Carol R, Norman and Suzie
Cinder Path
Cuerden Valley's Health Walk
The Chorley Walks. |