Photos by Michael S - Please click on photos to see a larger one Today we had forty-nine walkers and some sunshine which highlighted the autumn colours beginning to appear Lawrence was leading the main walk with Elizabeth M back marking. Peter led the Elite group into the Pinetum with Pat back marking. Lawrence, having ascertained that the Cinder Path was almost dry led us off in that direction
Leaving Cock Cabin Wood we entered Walkers Wood to come out on bikers Hill and walked towards the Stone Bridge, crossing it we circumnavigated the Picnic Area, walked along the bottom of the Dam and climbed up the Long Steps to the Lake
Through Gravel Hole Wood into Dog Kennel Wood, leaving Dog Kennel Wood to walk round the Lake where we met them stretched out. Where are the other three? Suzi, had led Carol and Norman down the slope and waited for the rest of the group at the Stone Bridge from where they all walked up Snake Hill back to the Barn.
Today's walkers Main Walk - Ann F, Ann K, Barry, Bettina, Bill, Brian C, Carmel, Carol W, Christine S, Clare, Colin C, Colin D, Elizabeth M, Ileen, James Mc, Janet S, Jean C, John W, John Wi, Judy, Keith, Kristina, Lawrence, Margaret A, Margaret W, Marilyn, Maureen Mc, Meryl, Michael G, Michael S, Roseanne, Sheila T, Susan G, Teresa, Yvonne & Zandra. Short Walk Group - Carol R, Carole, Dianne, Elizabeth H, Frankie, Irene T, Karin, Muriel, Norman, Pat, Peter W, Sandy & Suzi Compiled by Michael Swarbrick *Cam Lane - James Mc has found a map which shows Cam Lane starting from the Stone Bridge, it probably starts earlier but we haven't any evidence of that The Chorley Walks. |