Photos by Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one Today we had twenty-seven walkers. It was a pleasant morning but the sun didn't break through and there were occasional drops of rain. Michael S was leading the main walk, David H was back marker. Peter was leading the short walk option with Suzie back marking, eight today. Michael addressed the walkers and couldn't remember what to say saying six months ago that he didn't make all the preliminary remarks we make now, he just set off and you all followed. Maureen Mc helped him out with the instructions he had forgotten. Michael introduced Alan, Brenda's husband, his first walk with us. Michael didn't outline the route but said there were no stiles and you wouldn't be liable to fall in the river. We walked into the Pinetum and down Cardiac Hill to the Wooden Bridge. We crossed the Wooden Bridge and walked up into Gravel Hole Wood
We dropped down the path and were pleased to find the puddle was almost dry. We continued along the path climbing the challenging steps up to the top and walked into Green Wood only to be faced with another long flight of steps up to Cam Lane. We walked down Cam Lane back to Hawks Clough passing the infamous Ponderosa, Can't remember noticing it! We walked along the Field, down to the Lake and along the shore and the Dam. There didn't seem to be anything interesting on or around the Lake?
We crossed the Stone Bridge and walked up Snake Hill back to the Barn. The short option group, when they disappeared round the Lake, walked up the steps into the Field and down to the Kissing Gate and then retracing the main group's steps through Dog Kennel Wood and Gravel Hole Wood, over the Wooden Bridge, up Cardiac Hill into the Pinetum but taking the short cut up to the entrance and back to the Barn.
Today's walkers Main Walk - Alan C, Ann T, Anne, Bernadette, Brenda C, Colin C, Colin D, David H, Elizabeth M, Frankie, Graham, Helen G, James, Janet S, Joe Mc, John W, Margaret W, Maureen Mc, Michael S and Otis Short Walk Group - Ann S, Carol R, Jennifer, Linda E, Norman, Peter, Sandy and Suzie The Chorley Walks. |