Health Walk - Tuesday 4th July 2017
Photos by Michael S - Please click on photos if you wish to see a larger one
Forty plus two walkers this morning, ten opted for the short walk
Margaret W was leading the main walk with John W back marking. Peter W was leading the Optional Short Walk Group and Suzi S was back marker.

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Margaret led off around the sunny (well sometimes - it was damp with the odd drop of rain this morning) side of the Hall and joined the main path down Snake Hill towards the Stone Bridge but she turned off towards Walkers Wood. The 'plus two' can be seen in front of John, yellow hi-vis jacket.

Photo 3
whilst the Elite group, who had walked direct through the car park, crossed the bridge and walked along the bottom of the Dam and up the Long Steps to the Lake.
Margaret took us up through Walkers Wood and out

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along the Cycle Track

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The wild flowers, which we often pass without a glance, are beautiful when looked at through the camera lens

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Wigan Road Car Park where we waited for everyone to catch up, entertained by Maureen and Bernadette.
We entered the North Side of the Park via Wigan Road.

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Margaret took us clockwise round the park
Photo 14
Here we are walking along the bottom, the river is hidden by the trees on the left
as it leaves the Park

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The path to the A6/M6 roundabout

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Climbing back to the A49, Wigan Road

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The dreaded Himalayan Balsam

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Back along the A49 under the M65

Photo 28
Crossing the Wigan Road car park and back into the Park along the Cycle Track.
We did a short detour through the edge of Cock Cabin Wood, down Bikers Hill and up Snake Hill but not straight back to the Hall. Margaret took us round the front of the Hall and round the back of the Barn into Berkeley Drive.
Peter led his group round the Lake and up into the Field then walking down to the Kissing gate and up into Dog Kennel Wood, through Gravel Hole Wood and over the Wooden Bridge, up Cardiac Hill, into the Pinetum or as Peter calls it the American Garden (both names are correct), and back to the Barn.
Today's walks
Red - main group - 3.3 miles
Green - short option group - 1.8 miles
Where there are green arrows on the red route it means the Elite walkers had followed the main >> or the main group had followed the Elite walkers >>
Today's walkers:
Main Walk - Ann T, Anneke, Barry, Bernadette, Bettina, Brenda, Brian C, Carmel, Christine D, Elizabeth M, Frankie, Graham, Helen G, James H, James Mc, Janet S, Joe Mc, John W, John McN, Keith, Lawrence, Margaret W, Marie, Marilyn, Maureen Mc, Michael G, Michael S, Teresa, Victor & Yvonne (and two guests?)
Short Walk Group - Ann S, Carol R, Helen F, Heloise and Jodie, Jennifer, Mary, Norman, Pat, Peter & Suzi
Cuerden Valley's Health Walk
The Chorley Walk - Find Your Feet scheme.
Cinder Path
Compiled by Michael Swarbrick |