Health Walk - Thursday 28th September2017
Photos by Amanda F, Eileen P & Michael S - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Today we had twenty-nine walkers and some sunshine which highlighted the autumn colours beginning to appear
It was Ann K's first walk with us.
Carmel was leading the main walk with David H back marking. Sue led the Elite group into the Pinetum with Peter back marking.

Photo 1
Carmel leading us away from the Barn and into the Pinetum.
She took us up into Gravel Hole Wood and then through Dog Kennel Wood leaving the wood to go through the Kissing Gate on Cam Lane* and dropping down to the Lake

Photos 2, 3 & 4 - Eileen
Amanda log rolling.

Photo 5 Photo 6 Photo 7
walking round the Lake we

Photo 8
left by the Long Steps down to the Picnic Area. Walking along the bottom of the Dam we joined Cam Lane* again and crossed the Stone Bridge.
Turning up Bikers Hill we walked through Walkers Wood and into Cock Cabin Wood

Photo 9 Photo 10 Photo 11
and the Pond

Photo 12 Photo 13
everyone was looking at the Carp which was swimming close to the surface. Facebook comments are that Photo 13 reminds people of Monet.

Photo 14
We came out on to the Cycle Track again

Photo 15 Photo 16
and looked across to the Hall. The difference in these two photos shows how flat a photo looks without the sun

Photo 17
We could see the short option walkers pausing in the distance, probably they had noticed us as we saw them

Photo 18 Photo 19
Down Bikers Hill to go up

Photo 20 - Amanda
Snake Hill

Photo 21
approaching the Kissing gate

Photo 22 Photo 23 - Amanda
and walking past the new building. Amanda's photo shows how desolate it looks sometimes - will it be finished by October as promulgated earlier?

Photo 24 - Amanda

Photo 25 - Amanda
You writer with back marker David nearing the Barn
Sue led the option short walkers down Snake Hill turning left before the Stone Bridge to climb up Bikers Hill, entering Cock Cabin Wood to walk round clockwise, opposite direction to Carmel's group, back down Bikers Hill and up Snake Hill but at the Kissing Gate they turned right, see Photo 17, and walked along the sunny side of the Hall back to the Barn.
Today's walks (Red Main Group, Green Short Walk Option Group).
Dotted red line is where some walkers took a short cut
Where there are green arrows on the red route it means the Elite walkers had followed the main >> or the main group had followed the Elite walkers >>. >> walking the same route twice.
Today's walkers
Main Walk - Amanda, Ann T, Avril, Bernadette, Carmel, Colin C, Colin D, David H, Eileen P, Elizabeth M, Graham, James Mc, Janet S, John W, Keith, Linda P, Margaret W, Michael S, Moira, Sheila T & Zandra
Short Walk Group - Carole, Elizabeth H, Helen F, Mary, Muriel, Peter W, Sandy & Suzi
Thanks to Amanda & Eileen for their photographs
Compiled by Michael Swarbrick
*Cam Lane - James Mc has found a map which shows Cam Lane starting from the Stone Bridge, it probably starts earlier but we haven't any evidence of that
Cinder Path
Cuerden Valley's Health Walk
The Chorley Walks. |