Photos by Michael S, Nos 1 to 8 incl and 23 to 27 incl and Peter, photos 9 to 22 inclusive Please click on photos to see a larger one Today we had thirty-three walkers, two dogs, Otis & Paddy, and some sunshine. The autumn colours seemed a little disappointing but many trees have lost all their leaves It was Geoffrey and Martin's first walk with us. Margaret W was leading the main walk with John W back marking. Peter led the Elite group with Sue back marking.
Margaret led off into the Pinetum, down Cardiac Hill, over the Wooden Bridge and along the river towards the Stone Bridge. Meanwhile Peter was leading the short option group down Snake Hill towards the Stone Bridge
Margaret's group crossed the bridge
Here, the ones of us who were late out of the Barn, were surprised as Margaret turned right and walked along the Cycle Track over the M6, along the A49, Wigan Road, and entering the 'dark side of the Park. We walked round this section of the Park in a clockwise direction emerging and retracing our steps along the Cycle Track, avoiding Walkers Wood.
After our tea/coffee and biscuits most walkers help to clean up and load the dishwasher.
Today's walkers Main Walk - Alan C, Barry, Bernadette, Bill, Brenda, Carmel, Colin C, Colin D, Edward, Elizabeth M, Geoffrey, Graham, James Mc, Jean, John W, Keith, Kerry, Margaret W, Martin, Mary P, Michael S, Moira, Sheila T & Zandra Short Walk Group - Ann S, Carol R, Dianne, Gwen, Jennifer J, Muriel, Norman, Peter W & Suzi Thanks to Peter for his photographs Compiled by Michael Swarbrick The Chorley Walks. |