Health Walk - Thursday 9th November 2017
Photos by Michael S & Sheila T
Please click on photos to see a larger one
Today we had twenty-nine walkers and four dogs

Photo 1 - Sheila
James was leading the main walk with

Photo 2 - Sheila
Carmel back marking.
Peter led the Elite group with no back marker.

Photo 3
James led off down Snake Hill closely followed by the Elite Walkers.
Both groups walked up the Slope James going round the Lake the Elite walkers going up into Dog Kennel Wood then Gravel Hole Wood and leaving by turning right

Photo 4
David H liked this view and it turned out to be interesting! Three ducks in view and various experts pronounced them young Cormorants, Pintails and the one on the left Goosander, Grebe.

Photo 5
Two little dogs swimming with a branch bigger than both of them together

Photo 6
Leaving the Lake to climb up into the Field

Photo 7 - Sheila
where James paused to allow us all to catch up with the leaders. The person at the back with the umbrella is your scribe. We walked along the Field turning up the Hill at Hawks Clough

Photo 8 Photo 9
Climbing up to the Ponderosa this water was lying on the right, more than usual

Photo 10 Photo 11
We've gone past the Ponderosa without stopping! We walked past the steps into Green Wood

Photo 12 Photo 13 Photo 14
progressing along Cam Lane

Photo 15 Photo 16 Photo 17
with some delightful lighting

Photo 18
The end of Cam Lane is in sight

Photo 19 Photo 20
Who has been cutting down trees?

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Over Sheep Hill Lane and starting down Sheep Hill. As we neared the bottom James took us up into Sheep Hill Wood.

Photo 23-Sheila Photo 24 Photo 25 Photo 26 - Sheila
At the first high point James
paused again to let us regroup. Before descending again only to cross the Footbridge and climb again this time emerging onto Back Lane. We walked down Back Lane and reentered the Park to walk along the Cycle Track to the Wooden Bridge which the Elite walkers had crossed some time ago.

Photo 27 Photo 28 Photo 29
The earth works are in preparation to the installing of the heat pump which will heat the new building taking heat from the ground.
Following the trail blazedby the Elite walkers we climbed up Cardiac Hill into the Pinetum and back to the Barn for our refreshments

Today's walks (Red Main Group, Green Short Walk Option Group).
Where there are green arrows on the red route it means the Elite walkers had followed the main >> or the main group had followed the Elite walkers >>. >> walking the same route twice.
Today's walkers
Main Walk - Avril, Bernadette, Bill, Brenda, Carmel, Cheryl, Colin D, David H, Edward, Geoffrey, Graham, James Mc, Keith, Kerry, Michael M, Michael S, Moira, Norman & Sheila.
Dogs - Candy C, Fudge, Otis C & Paddy G
Short Walk Group - Carol R, Elizabeth H, Helen G, Jennifer J, Mary P, Norman, Pam & Peter W

Photo 30 - Sheila
Compiled by Michael Swarbrick
Cinder Path Cuerden Hall Cam Lane Hawksclough Farmhouse
Cuerden Valley's Health Walk
The Chorley Walks.