Health Walk - Thursday 26th October 2017
Photos by Michael S & Eileen P
Please click on photos to see a larger one
Today we had thirty-two walkers, two dogs, Otis & Paddy, and odd spits of rain. It was Cheryl's first walk with us. We met her on Tuesday and she has been one of the few people we have met who have said "I'll come with you next time that has actually turned up as promised."
Michael S was leading the main walk with Carmel back marking. Peter led the Elite group with Sue back marking.
Michael led off into the Pinetum

Photo 1 - Eileen Photo 2 - Eileen
and up to the Viewing Area, often visited by the Elite Group but surprisingly it was the first time for some of the Main Group.
The Elite group had set off past Sue Ryder's Cafe, walked round the front of the Hall to Snake Hill then turning up past the new building and into the Pinetum followed the Main Group down Cardiac Hill and over the Wooden Bridge.
The Elite Group followed us up into Gravel Hole Wood, through Dog Kennel Wood coming out to leave our trail to walk round the Lake.
The Main Group went through the Kissing Gate

Photo 3
here pausing to allow everyone through before walking up the hill and along the Field to Hawks Clough. Michael stopped to point out, hidden by the vegetation, Hawksclough Farmhouse, a listed c. 1700 building, now for sale.
We passed through the Kissing gate and dropped down over the Footbridge, over the wet/muddy puddle to follow the path up behind ASDA. continuing through Green Wood

Photo 4 - the exposure time for this photo was one sixth of a second!
climbing up the many steps up to Cam Lane. Michael chose to walk this way round because he is finding it more difficult climbing down the steps than climbing up them - can almost run up them.
Past the Ponderosa and back to Hawks Clough through the Kissing Gate, along the edge of the Field, still on Cam Lane but leaving Cam Lane to go down the steps to the Lake.

Photo 5 - Eileen Photo 6 - Eileen
We walked round the Lake joining the trail that the Elite walkers had done at the Boat House and from there we followed their tracks

Photo 7 - Eileen Photo 8 Photo 9
over the Stone Bridge

Photo 10 Photo 11
Otis being treated to a swim in the river.
Up Snake Hill

Photo 12
and passed the new building. The outside is receiving its final coat(s) of lime render meanwhile inside the under floor heating is being installed.
Today's walks (Red Main Group, Green Short Walk Option Group).
Where there are green arrows on the red route it means the Elite walkers had followed the main >> or the main group had followed the Elite walkers >>. >> walking the same route twice.
Today's walkers
Main Walk - Amanda, Anne H, Aysha, Barry, Brenda, Carmel, Carol W, Cheryl, David H, Edward, Eileen, Elizabeth M, Frankie, Geoffrey, Graham T, Jean, John W, Keith, Kerry, Margaret W, Michael S, Moira, Oliver & Sheila
Short Walk Group - Beth, Dianne, Gwen, John B, Mary P, Muriel, Peter W & Suzi
Thanks to Peter for his photographs
Compiled by Michael Swarbrick
Cinder Path
Cuerden Valley's Health Walk
The Chorley Walks.
Cuerden Hall |