Health Walk - Thursday 2nd November 2017
Photos by Michael S
Please click on photos to see a larger one
Today we had thirty-five walkers and Pam's dog. It was Pam's first walk with us.
Carmel was leading the main walk with David H back marking. Suzi led the Elite group with Peter back marking for a time.
Carmel led off down Snake Hill

Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3
Suzi briefing the Elite walkers.
The Elite group set off past Sue Ryder's Cafe, walked round the front of the Hall and down Snake Hill. Peter decided he wasn't up to it so he turned up past the new building and into the Pinetum and up to the viewing area where he rested for a while and then made his way back to the Barn.

Photo 4
Carmel took us down Snake Hill turning up through Walkers Wood, into Cock Cabin Wood

Photo 5 Photo 6
round the Pond

Photo 7 Photo 8
out of the wood and along the Cycle Track over the M6 and into the north side of the Park walking clockwise round the path.

Photo 9 Photo 10 Photo 11
This is the pond as we turned away from Stag Lodge. Photo 9 is the the best photo I've ever got here.

Photo 12
Continuing on our circuit of the north side.

Photo 13
Now back in the central park walking up to cross over the M6 then following the Cycle Track to Snake Hill

Photo 14
At the top of Snake Hill

Photo 15
and passed the new building. This will be the Classroom

Photo 16 Photo 17
This is the Cafe with its glorious views. The under floor heating is now installed.
Today's walks (Red Main Group, Green Short Walk Option Group).
Where there are green arrows on the red route it means the Elite walkers had followed the main >> or the main group had followed the Elite walkers >>. >> walking the same route twice.
Today's walkers
Main Walk - Anne H, Avril, Bill, Brian C, Carmel, Colin D, David H, Edward, Elizabeth M, Helen G, James Mc, Joe H, John W, Keith, Kerry, Margaret W, Michael S, Moira, Sheila, Vic, Yvonne & Zandra
Short Walk Group - Ann S, Carol R, Carole, Colin C, Elizabeth H, Gwen, Linda D, Mary P, Muriel, Norman, Pam, Peter W & Suzi
It was Pam's first walk with us
Compiled by Michael Swarbrick
Cinder Path Cuerden Hall Cam Lane Hawkclough Farmhouse
Cuerden Valley's Health Walk
The Chorley Walks.