Photos by Sheila T, John B & Jim S - Please click on photos to see a larger one! Today we had thirty-seven walkers and Paddy, a good turnout for a Thursday. Sheila: "What an amazing morning we were treated to today for our walk - the sun was shining." The Elite walkers led by John B with Colin C back marking set off down Snake Hill only to be overtaken shortly by the main group led by Sheila T with Frankie back marking. They all went down Snake Hill and crossed the Stone Bridge.
The Elite walkers walked up the Slope and through the Kissing Gate into the Field and on to Cam Lane. They went through the Kissing Gate at the far end and walked up the path passed Cam Lane Cottage and ahead they saw the main group crossing Cam Lane ahead of them. They turned off Cam Lane and went through the Top Kissing Gate into the Cow Field, down the Field through the Lower Kissing Gate into Gravel Hole Wood and down the hill
The Main group left the Lake and entered Dog Kennel Wood walking through into Gravel Hole Wood and turning to go
They crossed over Cam Lane into Green Wood walking down the steps, over the Footbridge climbing back up to walk up passed the ASDA car park entrance along the top and down the steps, over the Footbridge and seeing the Over the Wide Footbridge and back on to Cam Lane, continuing along the edge of the Field, down the steps to the Lake, walking along the eastern shore and dropping down the Slope, over the Stone Bridge, up Bikers Hill following the Cycle Path
Down the Cinder Path, up the Hall Drive, round the front of the Hall and back to the Visitors Centre
Thanks to John B, Jim S and Sheila T for supplying the photos and to John B and Sheila T for explaining the routes. Compiled by Michael Swarbrick Cam Lane