Health Walk - Thursday 21st February 2019
Photos by Michael S & Frankie - Please click on photos to see a larger one!
Today we had thirty walkers and Serge and Paddy.
Relatively very warm, Jimmy stripped off again, but the sun kept hidden
The Elite walkers were led by Pat R with Margaret W back marking
Pat didn't realise she was designated leader so she was somewhat at a loss with no route planned. They are all friends together and between them they wove an intricate route.
Walking up into the Car Park they turned down into the Pinetum at the second gate and walking passed the Fairy Village started downhill but turned to walk up the steps to Viewing Platform. Continuing along they passed the Walled Orchard and

Photo 1 - Frankie
took the path round the sunny side of the Hall. The circled round the

Photo 2 - Frankie
Hall and set off down the drive

Photo 3 - Frankie
Shall we go into Cuerden Close? Yes.

Photo 4 - Frankie
Leaving the Close they turned up the

Photo 5 - Frankie
the path that comes out opposite the old barn, turning right they walked passed the LWT Barn, along the quiet path and back into the Pinetum. Passing the 'Old Man of the Tree' the went down the first path on the left and down Cardiac Hill, over the Wooden Bridge,

Photo 6 - Frankie
and along the Cycle Path to the Stone Bridge. They crossed the bridge and walked up Snake Hill back to the Visitors Centre
Lawrence, leading the main group walked up into the Car Park and followed the road out passed the LWT Barn, turning right to go up to the Hall Drive, down the drive to the Cinder Path, along the Cinder Path to the Cycle Track where they turned right at the top of the steps.
They continued along the Cycle Path entering Cock Cabin Wood

Photo 7
and walking round the pond and the wood clockwise.

Photo 8
Back on the Cycle Path they walked down Walkers Wood coming out on Bikers Hill

Photo 9
to cross the Stone Bridge

Photo 10
and walk up the Slope on Cam Lane,

Photo 11
glancing at the Lake, those that weren't deep in conversation, and through the Kissing Gate. Up the hill

Photo 12
and along Cam Lane to Hawks Clough

Photo 13
At Hawkes Clough there is evidence of restoration work being carried out by the rangers and volunteers. Turning right up the path,

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passing this little pond

Photo 16
Cam Lane Cottage came into view - here they are waiting for Michael to catch up

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Walking along Cam Lane there is evidence of storm damage although this looks like very old age as well

Photo 19
The recently upgraded path from Cam Lane to the Cow Field

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A bigger pond came into view. There's often 'stuff' in your photo that you didn't notice till you put it on the computer - here there's fungi, plastic bits etc.

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The same pond but seen from the far side as we carried on to the top of Sheep Hill.
We crossed Sheep Hill Lane and Lawrence took us into Glenmore Close

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On the south side there's a deep ravine, the photos don't show the depth. Not many people notice this, Id like to make a path along the bottom.
They left Glenmore and entered Sheep Hill Wood passing the 'Top oft he World', keeping to the left and

Photo 27
dropping down to

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Sheep Hill Lane, passing the house I've envied but now don't like it's situation - sunsets for when I came home from work and now retired I'd like to see sunrises

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James complained all my photos were back views so I risked life and limb dodging the traffic to get these shots

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Back in the Park and walking down the Avenue of Oaks which have been culled to give the remaining ones room to grow.
Eventually, walking north on the Cycle Path we came to the Wooden Bridge, crossed it and climbed up Cardiac Hill to enter the Pinetum

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turning up to the Visitors Centre by John B's Monkey Puzzle tree.
Thanks Lawrence & Pat for our walks today
Today's walks (Red Main Group, Green Short Walk Option Group).
Where there are green arrows on the red route it means the Elite walkers had followed the main >> or the main group had followed the Elite walkers >>.
Thanks to John B, Jim S and Sheila T for supplying the photos and to John B and Sheila T for explaining the routes.
Compiled by Michael Swarbrick
Cam Lane
Cam Lane Cottage
The Chorley Walks
Cinder Path
Cock Cabin Wood
Cuerden Hall
Cuerden Valley's Health Walk
Hawksclough Farmhouse
Jenny Greenteeth
Visitors Centre