Health Walk - Tuesday 5th March 2019
Photos by Michael S, Margaret W & Sheila T - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Thanks to Margaret for providing photos and information for the Elite walk. Thanks to Sheila T for the photograph of me
Sheila "What started as a chilly morning improved as we walked. Thirty five walkers today 26 long and 9 on the shorter one. Carmel led and John W back marked the longer walk and Maggie led and Colin C back marked the shorter option."

Photo 1 Photo 2
Carmel addressing the main group and Maggie, hidden by the post, doing the same to her group before setting off
The main group set off up into the Car Park and the Elite group followed them. Both groups entered the Pinetum at the wood carving in the holly tree, it's not a holly tree but it is sheathed in holly.
Round the Pinetum and down Cardiac Hill over the Wooden Bridge turning right.

Photo 3 - Margaret
The Elite group at the bottom of Cardiac Hill.
The main group led the elite group up into Gravel Hole Wood and through Dog Kennel Wood emerging to divide for the first time, the main group going through the Kissing Gate up into the Field and down the steps to the Lake.
The Elite group walked straight to the Lake and started round

Photo 4 - Margaret
Here Margaret has photographed the main group catching up.
The main group passed Colin and Brain on the Dam and

Photo 5
the rest of the Elite group at the bottom of the Long steps.

Photo 6 - Margaret Photo 7 - Margaret
Colin and Brian catching up and Michael now well behind the main group.

Photo 8 - Margaret
The Elite group turning towards the Stone Bridge.
The main group walked up Bikers Hill and entered Walkers Wood whereas the Elite group carried straight on up the Hill and both groups walked round Cock Cabin Wood

Photo 9 Photo 10
The Main group pausing for a breather at the Pond

Photo 11 Photo 12 - Sheila
and the strange man being photographed

Photo 13 Photo 14 Photo 15
The Elite group coming into Michael's view the rest of the main group having disappeared down the Cycle Path

Photo 16 Photo 17 Margaret
What are the Elite group looking at? Frog Spawn?

Photo 18 - Margaret
The Elite group now well behind

Photo 19 Photo 20 Photo 21
Just before leaving the Cycle Path the Blackthorn is in bloom on the north side of the path.

Photo 22
Approaching the Cinder Path

Photo 23
now on Cuerden Hall Drive
Everyone walked up the drive and round the front of the Hall and back to the Visitors Centre
Today's walks (Red Main Group, Green Short Walk Option Group).
Where there are green arrows on the red route it means the Elite walkers had followed the main >> or the main group had followed the Elite walkers >>. similarly for the blue arrows
Compiled by Michael Swarbrick
Cam Lane
Cam Lane Cottage
The Chorley Walks.
Cinder Path
Cock Cabin Wood
Cuerden Hall
Cuerden Valley's Health Walk
Lower Kem Mill
Hawksclough Farmhouse
Visitors Centre