Health Walk - Thursday 11th April 2019
Photos by Eileen P (Also three of Susan Marsden's lifted from Facebook) - Please click on photos to see a larger one!
Sheila: "Main group of sixteen and Paddy the dog led by Lawrence and back marked by Irene S on a sunny morning. Pat R led the shorter walk group of twelve with David H back marking. Two new walkers joined us today"
Lawrence, main group leader's report of the route he took today:
"1. From the Visitors Centre around back of Cuerden Hall
2. Around to front then right down path into Bluebell Wood (Wilbrahams Wood)
3. Onto cinder path and round pond in Cock Cabin Wood.
4. Onto main path then left through Walkers Wood to emerge onto main path again and down to Stone Bridge
5. From bridge to steps up to Reservoir,

Photo 1
The Reservoir

Photo 2
The group
around Reservoir and straight up to entry to Dog Kennel Wood.
6. Through Dog Kennel and Gravel Hole Woods.
7. Down to main path and right past start of Cardiac Hill and continue until Stone Bridge.
8. Up Snake Hill and continue to the Visitors Centre. ."

Photo 3
Pat, Elite Walk leader:
"Elite walk route today. Left the Visitors Centre and turned down the path at the side to Cardiac Hill, at the bottom turned right and walked along the Cycle Path to the Kissing Gate into the Town Brow Car Park. Crossed the car park , through the Kissing Gate on the other side of the car park so that we could walk beside the river. Walked along the river until we reached the start of the woods which we call "Michaels Walk"! Turning left into the woods,

Photo 4 Photo 5 Photo 6
Photos of the new steps by Susan Marsden, Trustee
passing the new steps at the stepping stones and taking an early turn back to the field (avoiding too many roots), along the grass until we got back onto the Cycle Path and back along to Cardiac hill. Up the hill, through the Pinetum, back slightly down Cardiac Hill so we could take the path past the Fairy Village. Half way up took the right hand path, up to the gate at the top of the car park. " and back to the Visitors Centre
Today's walks (Red Main Group, Green Short Walk Option Group).
Where there are green arrows on the red route it means the Elite walkers had followed the main >> or the main group had followed the Elite walkers >>.
Compiled by Michael Swarbrick using most of Lawrence's and Pat R's words
Cam Lane
Cam Lane Cottage
The Chorley Walks
Cinder Path
Cock Cabin Wood
Cuerden Hall
Cuerden Valley's Health Walk
Hawksclough Farmhouse
Jenny Greenteeth
Tree Sculpture
Visitors Centre