Health Walk - Tuesday 16th April 2019
Photos by Michael S & Sheila T - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Sheila: "John W led the main group of 26 with Sheila back marking on a chilly but bright morning. We had two dogs today and three new walkers - two have registered and one Jenny Otter was a visitor from Our young visitor Matthew Carroll accompanied his grandad and dog again today walking with the main group.
John B led the Elite group of 9 with Margaret W back marking."
John took us into the Pinetum after saying there were only sheep in the Cow Field, part of his planned walk

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One of the new tree spirits

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and down Cardiac Hill, you can see the Elite walkers following us down the hill
We crossed the Wooden Bridge, turning right along the Cycle Path then left up between Gravel Hole wood and Black Banks Wood. As approached the new Lower Kissing Gate we could see that there were also cows in the field now.
After checking that everyone was OK to continue up through the Cow Field John led us through the kissing gate.
However when John B checked with the Elite walkers they chose to head off up into Gravel Hole Wood

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John led us up over the top of the near hill and wheeled round to avoid the cows, leaving the official path

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The sheep however ran away to avoid us

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Denise has picked her little dog up and carried it passed the cows

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More pictures of the sheep now relaxed

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Looking back at the cows when we reached the steps

Photo 13 - Sheila
Michael S lagging behind as usual
John took us through the higher Kissing Gate on to Cam Lane passed the Ponderosa and down to Hawks Clough, continuing along Cam Lane straight down to the Kissing Gate and on to the path round the Lake where the Elite walkers had previously trod.

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The White Goose was somewhat belligerent

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much to the amusement of a small family. We continued down the Long Steps and

Photo 49 - Sheila
walked round the Picnic Area, crossed the Stone Bridge and walked

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up towards Walkers Wood in the footsteps of the Elite Walkers. Through Walkers Wood and into Cock Cabin Wood

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where the taller ones of us were delighted to see that the tree blocking our heads had been removed

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Continuing through the wood we could see the Bluebells were on parade.

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I'm sure there are more than last year.

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You can just see the Elite group rounding the Pond ahead of us

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Continuing round the path

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we came across trees that had been felled to thin them out to let the remaining ones breathe

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The main group now rounding the Pond

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The stragglers but however they are well ahead of Michael S

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The bushes are full of leaves now and

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the Irises are climbing out of the water

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Back on the Cycle Path the main group have caught and passed the Elite group leaving Michael well behind now

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who was still taking photographs

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The Mayflower, or Cuckoo Flower

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Daises and Celandine
The main group had disappeared down the Cinder Path when Michael caught up with the Elite group who allowed him to continue with them up the Hall Drive, round the front of the Hall back to the Visitors Centre once again the Elite group finishing after the main group.
Today's walks (Red Main Group, Green Short Walk Option Group).
Where there are green arrows on the red route it means the Elite walkers had followed the main >> or the main group had followed the Elite walkers >>. similarly for the blue arrows
Compiled by Michael Swarbrick
Cam Lane
Cam Lane Cottage
The Chorley Walks.
Cinder Path
Cock Cabin Wood
Cuerden Hall
Cuerden Valley's Health Walk
Lower Kem Mill
Hawksclough Farmhouse
Tree Sculpture
Visitors Centre