Health Walk - Tuesday 30th April 2019
Photos by Sheila T - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Bernadette: "Thanks to Maggie who led the Elite walk today, with John Blamires back marking we did over 7000 steps, not bad for a bungalow walk, enjoyed the chat and the flowers, we saw Orange Tips and a Holly Blue, also some St. Marks fly's. We got our wave on the way back near the Hall."
Sheila T: "Our Cuerden Health walks this morning were blessed with unexpected sunny weather - sixteen walkers on the longer option including one new person and was led by James on a lovely walk which included crossing the stepping stones with Sheila Back marking. Maggie led the Elite group of fifteen with John B back marking. George the dog went on the Elite walk today as he didn't fancy the stepping stones!"

Photo 1 - Sheila Photo 2
James doing his introduction

Photo 3
James led the main group a little way down Snake Hill, then up the path to the Hall, round the Hall and

Photo 4 - Sheila Photo 5 - Sheila
along James' Path, the 'back' way to the Cinder Path

Photo 6
Pausing to check everyone was OK after leaving the Cinder Path.
Along the Cycle Path and into Walkers Wood, across the Stone Bridge, continuing along the Cycle Path and walking along Michael's Walk

Photo 7
ducking under and climbing over the various obstacles

Photo 8 Photo 9
The light through the leaves is beautiful. The May Blossom is out in all its glory, OK to cast a clout now, i.e. out of your winter clothing.

Photo 10 - Sheila Photo 11 Photo 12
Across the Stepping Stones,

Photo 13 - Sheila Photo 14 - Sheila Photo 15
the last one to cross, I had to do it twice to enable photographs.
Along the path to the bottom of Town Brow, through the Kissing Gate and

Photo 16
climbing up Meadow

Photo 17
through the new Kissing Gate and

Photo 18
along Shady Lane, Berkeley Drive back to the Visitors Centre.
Maggie led the Elite group in the opposite direction

Photo 19 - Beth
up into the Car Park

Photo 20 - Beth
and into the Pinetum, admiring the Rhododendrons, how long before the nature reservists get rid of them?
Down Cardiac Hill, crossing the Wooden Bridge, turning right along

Photo 21 - Beth
the Cycle Path and then left up into Gravel Hole Wood

Photo 22 - Bernadette Photo 23 - Bernadette
Resting at the top of the path to the Cow Field before continuing into Gravel Hole Wood, Dog Kennel Wood

Photo 24 - Bernadette
round the Lake (It's not a Lake it's a reservoir but as it provides no useful purpose it's a lake to me.)
Down the Long Steps, round the Picnic Area, along the Cycle Path up Bikers Hill and into Cock Cabin Wood, out on to the cycle Path again and along to the Cinder Path. Leaving the Cinder Path, walking up the Hall Drive, the front of the Hall

Photo 25 - Bernadette Photo 26 - Bernadette
and along the path back to the Visitors Centre

Photo 27 - Bernadette
The view from the Cafe balcony while we enjoyed out refreshments
Today's walks (Red Main Group, Green Short Walk Option Group).
Where there are green arrows on the red route it means the Elite walkers had followed the main >> or the main group had followed the Elite walkers >>. similarly for the blue arrows
Compiled by Michael Swarbrick
Cam Lane
Cam Lane Cottage
The Chorley Walks.
Cinder Path
Cock Cabin Wood
Cuerden Hall
Cuerden Valley's Health Walk
Lower Kem Mill
Hawksclough Farmhouse
Tree Sculpture
Visitors Centre