Health Walk - Thursday 26th September
Photos by Frankie & Sheila T - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Sheila T: "Thirty-three walkers enjoyed a mainly dry if wet underfoot walk today. Twenty one led by Frankie and back marked by John W took the longer walk and twelve led by Colin and back marked by Irene completed the Elite walk. George our canine friend was on the Elite walk as usual."
Frankie: "Today's walk led by Frankie and back marked by John took the group of 21 walkers through a muddy terrain but we were blessed mostly by dry weather."

Photo 1
The old walkers are still around

Photo 2 - Sheila
Sheila: "Walk down Snake Hill,

Photo 3 Photo 4 Photo 5 - Sheila
cross picnic area,

Photo 6
up the Slope

Photo 7 Photo 8
along field,

Photo 9
on Cam Lane,

Photo 10 Photo 11
passing Hawks Clough,

Photo 12 - Sheila Photo 13 - Sheila
resting at Cam Lane Cottage

Photo 14 - Sheila
through Glendale into Sheep Hill Wood.

Photo 15 Phot 16 Photo 17
Autumn berries

Photo 18 - Sheila Photo 19 - Sheila Photo 20 - Sheila
Resting at the Top of the World, then down steps and cross road along Town Brow and back up Cardiac Hill to the Visitors Centre".

Photo 21 - Sheila
enjoying our coffee
Zandra: "We, (the Elite Walkers,) walked down Snake Hill and turned left just before the bridge. Through the wood, round the pond, back down to the bridge. Up the steps to the reservoir, and round, across to the wood, down to the main path, turned left up Cardiac Hill, and on to the cafe. A nice mainly dry walk, with dear little George escorting us."
Today's walks (Red Main Group, Green Short Walk Option Group).
Where there are green arrows on the red route it means the Elite walkers had followed the main >> or the main group had followed the Elite walkers >>. similarly for the blue arrows
Compiled by Michael Swarbrick with many thanks to Beth, Eileen P, John B and especially Frankie
Cam Lane
Cam Lane Cottage
The Chorley Walks.
Cinder Path
Cock Cabin Wood
Cuerden Hall
Cuerden Valley's Health Walk
Lower Kem Mill
Hawksclough Farmhouse
Tree Sculpture
Visitors Centre