Photos by Michael S - Please click on photos to see a larger one James led the longer walk with Michael back marking a group of only seven people. Seven Elite walkers and George led by Colin C, back marked by Pat R Another wet autumn day but today the Park was magical with the glistening leaves and dark tree bark. There was a lot of casual water lying around but James found a reasonably dry route for us. We set off down Snake Hill, over the Stone Bridge,
Leaving the Lake we went through the Kissing Gate
We crossed the roud and walked down Sheep Hill to enter the Park at the Town Brow Car Park walking along the Cycle Path till we could cross the Wooden Bridge to climb up Cardiac Hill, into the Pinetum and back to the Visitors Centre. Zandra: "Seven of us set off in rain, which never stopped! George came, but didn't like the puddles. We went down Cardiac Hill over the wooden bridge , the river was very high. We turned right, along the path. At the top we turned left and through the wood. Then round to the reservoir, down the slope, and along to the stone bridge. Across the bridge, at this point Denise and Gillian then went straight back up Snake Hill, George had had enough. Turned right through the wood, out onto the path, straight round to the Cinder Path. Then along and back to the cafe/Visitors Centre, for coffee and a quick dry. "
Compiled by Michael Swarbrick with grateful thanks to Zandra Cam Lane