Health Walk - Tuesday 24th December
Photos by Sheila T, Michael S & Eileen P - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Sheila T: "A good turn out for Christmas Eve on a nice morning. The drizzly rain held off and it was fairly mild. We enjoyed a good walk. Carmel led 16 on the longer walk with Sheila back marking. Colin led 10 Elite walkers accompanied by George the only canine friend today back marked by John B. We had no refreshments today as the Visitor Centre is closed but we still had a good chat before making our way home to prepare for the upcoming festivities.
John and Beth will be walking from 10.00 on Christmas Day if anyone wants to join them.
The group will also be meeting on Boxing Day at the usual time 10.00 and we are suggesting people may wish to bring a flask and there will be some mince pies to share on our return."

Photo 1 - Sheila
On the Cycle Track having come through the Pinetum, down Cardiac Hill, across the Wooden Bridge

Photo 2 - Sheila Photo 3 - Sheila
Walking up between Gravel Hole Wood and Black Banks Wood

Photo 4 - Sheila
Resting as we turned into Gravel Hole Wood

Photo 5 - Sheila
Striding out the path though Gravel Hole Wood

Photo 6 - Eileen
and Dog Kennel Wood.
Passing through the Kissing Gate into the Field on Cam Lane

Photo 7
We're now into Green Wood

Photo 8 - Sheila
Walking up to the top and passed the back of ASDA

Photo 9 - Sheila Photo 10 - Sheila
Leaving Green Wood climbing up back on to Cam Lane and heading back to Hawks Clough

Photo 11 - Sheila
On the edge of the Field which is really the northern edge of the Cow field
Photo 12 Photo 13
Jimmy coming own the mountain

Photo 14
Avoiding the Lake, shame, before going through the Kissing Gate, down the Slope, across the Stone Bridge, up Snake Hill to and back to the closed Visitors Centre/cafe
The Elite Walkers - John B: "Elite walk, 10 walkers plus George, Colin leading, Bet and John B back marking. Up to right round old barn, down Drive, right into Cinder path, around Cock Cabin wood, over Stone bridge, up ramp, right into Dog Kennel Wood and Gravel Hole Wood, down and right, left up Cardiac Hill, right at Many Eyed Tree to finish outside the closed café."
Today's walks (Red Main Group, Green Short Walk Option Group).
Where there are green arrows on the red route it means the Elite walkers had followed the main >> or the main group had followed the Elite walkers >>. similarly for the blue arrows
Compiled by Michael Swarbrick with grateful thanks to Sheila, Eileen and John B
Cam Lane
Cam Lane Cottage
The Chorley Walks.
Cinder Path
Cock Cabin Wood
Cuerden Hall
Cuerden Valley's Health Walk
Lower Kem Mill
Hawksclough Farmhouse
Tree Sculpture
Visitors Centre