Health Walk - Tuesday 7th January
Photos by Michael S & Sheila T - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Sheila T: "Thirty-five walkers including three new walkers were led by Michael S and back marked by Irene S on a day which started poorly in the drizzle but improved as we walked. Fourteen walkers were led by John B and back marked by Brian L. The two groups met at various points today with our overlapping routes. A good turn out for a day which started off with such unfavourable weather."
I, Michael, bumbled my way through the introduction and we set off down Snake Hill to be followed shortly by the Elite walkers.
We crossed the Stone Bridge, walked round

Photo 1 - Sheila
the Picnic Area

Photo 2 - Sheila Photo 3 - Sheila
and climbed up the Long Steps to the Lake

Photo 4 - Sheila Photo 5 - Sheila
We walked round the Lake and saw the

Photo 6 Photo 7 Photo 8
elite walkers coming up the Slope

Photo 9 - Sheila Photo 10 - Sheila
They waited to see if we were going to pass them but we carried on round the Lake, through the Kissing Gate and up the Steps to

Photo 11 - Sheila Photo 12 - Sheila
Cam Lane where we had our second rest and were able to see the Elite walkers coming up Cam Lane. We pressed on the Hawks Clough and at the Kissing Gate went down the slope and over the Footbridge into Green Wood whereas the Elite walkers turned right to walk up passed Cam Lane Cottage.

Photo 25 - Sheila
We had another rest, mainly for me and those at the back, before carrying on back down into Green Wood before climbing up to Cam Lane and crossing to follow the Footpath through the Kissing Gate into the

Photo 13 Photo 14
Cow Field where we saw the Elite walkers now ahead of us

Photo 15
This photo is clipped from the top left-hand of Photo 13, the tree trunks made me think of a Greek/Roman temple

Photo 16 Photo 17
Negotiating the steps we followed=wed the

Photo 18
path across the Cow field, you can just see the Elite walkers.

Photo 19 Photo 20 Photo 21
I like Photo 19, the group purposely

Photo 22
striding out to

Photo 23
the next obstruction

Photo 24 - Sheila
the lower Kissing Gate.
Approaching the gate I realised that we were early and would get back to the Visitors Centre a 10:50 so after conferring with Jimmy we se off up into Gravel Hole Wood at his suggestion.
Passing into Dog Kennel Wood we were still early so I decided to lead the walkers down the Slope and along the river to the Wooden Bridge which we crossed and marched up Cardiac Hill, well struggled may be a better description, entering the Pinetum and passing the Many Eyed Tree climbing back to the Visitors Centre/Café
The Elite Walkers - John B: "Short walk, 14 walkers plus George, John B leading, Brian back marker. Down Snake Hill, up ramp, through stile to field. right after gate to gain Cam Lane, right at cross road to descend field to Gravel Hole Wood, down to main cycle track, right then left up Cardiac Hill, right at Many Eyed Tree to return for coffee at the café."
Today's walks (Red Main Group, Green Short Walk Option Group).
Where there are green arrows on the red route it means the Elite walkers had followed the main >> or the main group had followed the Elite walkers >>. similarly for the blue arrows
Compiled by Michael Swarbrick with grateful thanks to Sheila and John B
Cam Lane
Cam Lane Cottage
The Chorley Walks.
Cinder Path
Cock Cabin Wood
Cuerden Hall
Cuerden Valley's Health Walk
Lower Kem Mill
Hawksclough Farmhouse
Tree Sculpture
Visitors Centre