Photos by Michael S & Sheila T (The A-Team) - Please click on photos to see a larger one Sheila T: "A chilly but dry morning for our walk today. David H led a group of twenty walkers back marked by Jimmy. Two walkers returned to the Visitor Centre part way and then a further four returned a bit further along leaving fourteen to finish the whole walk. Those who completed the walk reported enjoying it as it seemed did Wesley our canine friend. The Elite walk led by John B and back marked by Beth was a group of ten walkers and one canine Paddy"
David H was leading and he outlined his plans and set off up into the Car Park, round the Barn and on to the Hall Drive. Down the Drive to the Cinder Path or as James calls it the Strodi, an old English word to describe 'a path between two walls' and could be what it was called originally
David took us down into Walkers Wood then over the Stone Bridge to the Picnic Area
We walked up the Slope on Cam Lane, through the Kissing Gate into the Field with no pause at the top. Here Helen G and Mary P decided the would leave the walk and got permission from James the Back Marker. I was struggling now and James ran ahead to ask the leading walkers to wait while I caught up which they did at the Kissing Gate at Hawks Clough. I'd also taken a few photos which compounds my problem. We carried on walking up passed Cam Lane Cottage and at the top of the Steps down into Green Wood I said I was leaving the walk and going down the Cow Field and Eileen P, Frankie and Irene said they would walk with me.
We walked over the Wooden Bridge, up Cardiac Hill into the Pinetum and back to the Visitors Centre. The main group continued down the Steps into Green Wood up to the top to descend the Steep Steps
John B: "10 walkers plus 1 canine friend, Paddy, John B leading, Beth back marker. Up to left along Walled Orchard, right to descend steps and regain Cardiac Hill, right then left through Gravel Hole and Dog Kennel Woods. Around reservoir to descend long steps, over stone bridge, right along cycle track to left down steps to Cinder Path, left towards Hall, right around stables and old barn to Barclay Drive, down to café" at the Visitors Centre
Compiled by Michael Swarbrick with grateful thanks to John, Margaret, Eileen & Sheila Cam Lane