Health Walk - Thursday 6th February
Photos by Michael S, Sheila T, Eileen P & Jim S - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Sheila T: "Thirty five walkers today in total today - the long walkers led by John W enjoyed a walk across the rarely visited other side of the park today back marked by Sheila. Pat led the Elite group including four new walkers and canine friends George, Charlie, Paddy and a new friend Jake on a lovely sunny morning with Lawrence back marking."

Photo 1 - Jim
Pat briefing the Elite group before setting off
John introduced his walk and said he would like to do something different and special

Photo 2 - Sheila
Setting off down into the Pinetum, Cardiac Hill, along

Photo 3 Photo 4
the Cycle Track to Town Brow

Photo 5
Michael was granted permission to leave the walk for a few minutes and

Photo 6 Photo 7 Photo 8
he went to see the New Bridge, it was decided that it would be too muddy to take the group this way and it was muddy

Photo 9 - Sheila
We crossed the road into the south side of the Park. At the first path off to the left we discussed should we take that or press on to Lower Kem Mill

Photo 10 - Sheila
We decided to carry out the original plan and set off to Lower Kem Mill

Photo 11 - Sheila Photo 12 - Sheila
We cross the river by the footbridge

Photo 13 - Sheila
climbed up

Photo 14 Photo 15
the hill to Bomb Hole Wood

Photo 16 - Sheila
one of the many kissing gates on the walk

Photo 17 Photo 18
Having crossed Juniper Croft

Photo 19
and found the path down

Photo 20
to the Cycle Track crossing the river

Photo 21
again by another footbridge

Photo 22 - Sheila
Heading north along the Cycle Track

Photo 23 - Sheila
we climbed up for the next to the last time

Photo 24 - Sheila Photo 25 - Sheila
before dropping down

Photo 26 - Sheila
to Town Brow

Photo 27 - Sheila
The river from Clayton Bridge looking north

Photo 28 - Eileen
Back on the Cycle Track Eileen spotted this Heron on the Covert Pond.
We crossed the Wooden Bridge and climbed up Cardiac Hill worn out after a ninety minute walk
Pat R: "Today's short (Elite) walk of 2.7km with 19 walkers, 4 newcomers and 4 dogs. We started off on the path down the side of the cafe, at the bottom turning right to go up the steps and through the pinetum and along the path, past the walled garden , through the car park and down the side of the barn to the side of Sue Ryder. We turned left down the road til we came to the cinder path. Along the path, through the gate and wood and up the steps to the motorway bridge but turned right along the path to cock cabin wood. At end of wood we kept straight ahead on the path, down the hill and joined snake hill.

Photo 29 - Jim
Up the hill, along the path, through the gate and back along to the cafe."
Margaret's version"Our walk today went down the path at the side of the centre, turned right and up. The steps to the pinetum, along to the car park, past the barn and along the Cinder Path, round cock cabin wood, down the footpath and back up snake hill."

Today's walks (Red Main Group, Green Short Walk Option Group).
Where there are green arrows on the red route it means the Elite walkers had followed the main >> or the main group had followed the Elite walkers >>. similarly for the blue arrows
Compiled by Michael Swarbrick with grateful thanks to Pat, Sheila, Eileen, Jim and Margaret
Cam Lane
Cam Lane Cottage
The Chorley Walks.
Cinder Path
Cock Cabin Wood
Cuerden Hall
Cuerden Valley's Health Walk
Lower Kem Mill
Hawksclough Farmhouse
Tree Sculpture
Visitors Centre