Health Walk - Tuesday 17th March
Photos by Sheila T & Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Sheila T: "Twenty-three walkers arrived today on a lovely sunny morning despite the Coronavirus guidance updated yesterday. We met outside and self managed our social distancing. Following discussions we agreed to walk. Frankie led twenty on a really enjoyable walk with Elizabeth back marking. Brian and two others shared the Elite walk today. Fewer walkers than usual chose to go in for refreshments today limiting social contact.
Some walkers may not walk for a while and others are planning to keep going - we are awaiting any formal advice from WFH but are following NHS guidelines. Some walk leaders are planning to meet again on Thursday.
Thanks everyone for a really sociable walk today"

Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3
Frankie outlining her plans for the morning before setting off into the Pinetum and down Cardiac Hill

Photo 4 - Sheila Photo 5 - Sheila Photo 6 - Sheila
Turning right on to the Cycle Track and left up into
Photo 7 - Sheila Photo 8 - Sheila
Gravel Hole Wood

Photo 9 - Sheila 10 - Sheila
More Blackthorn blossom is bursting out
We continued into Dog Kennel Wood over the WI Bridge coming out to walk round the west side of the Lake

Photo 11 - Sheila
This gorse looks really well

Photo 12 - Sheila Photo 13 - Sheila
Down the Long Steps, round the Picnic Area

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A Park vehicle going through the Ford, can't use the Stone Bridge, it is restricted to pedestrians, cyclists and dogs

Photo 16 - Sheila
Over the bridge, up Bikers Hill and into Walkers Wood

Photo 17
Pussy Willow

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Resting on the Cycle Path at the top of Walkers Wood

Photo 20 - Sheila
A view of the Hall before construction takes place - what construction? - I've no idea. I wonder if it will burn down?
Here we met the Elite group and as we entered Cock Cabin Wood e we met an official looking group of Park Officers and Trustees.

Photo 21 - Sheila
walking through the wood, round the Pond and back out on to the cycle Track and along the Cinder Path, Hall Drive, round the Barn and into the Pinetum for a little diversion round the Viewing Platform and back to the café/(Visitors Centre).
Brian: " Today’s Elite walk route was:
From cafe up through car park to the Barn and from the Barn down to the cinder path. Along cinder path into the main valley pathway where we turned right and continued along main path until turn off to the pond, around the pond and

Photo 22 Photo 23 Photo 24
through woods (Her both groups met) back onto the main track. Followed main track down into valley bottom and then up snake hill and back to café/(Visitors Centre)."
Today's walks (Red Main Group, Green Short Walk Option Group).
Where there are green arrows on the red route it means the Elite walkers had followed the main >> or the main group had followed the Elite walkers >>. similarly for the blue arrows
Compiled by Michael Swarbrick with grateful thanks to Sheila and Brian
Cam Lane
Cam Lane Cottage
The Chorley Walks.
Cinder Path
Cock Cabin Wood
Cuerden Hall
Cuerden Valley's Health Walk
Lower Kem Mill
Hawksclough Farmhouse
Tree Sculpture
Visitors Centre