Health Walk - Thursday 19th March
Photos by Michael S, Eileen P & Jane - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Today we only had eleven walkers, seven on the main walk and four on the Elite Wall. Michael led the main group with John W back marking. Margaret W led the Elite group with the Colin & Zandra back marking
The coronavirus no doubt being responsible for the absence of many friends.
Ten of the eleven walkers are Health Walk Leaders!

Photo 1 - Eileen
Here we are gathering in the Car Park just before setting off.
Michael set off up the Car Park to find David H who was chatting with Mary, who couldn't walk today, dental appointment.
He turned into the Pinetum, up along the viewing platform, down the steps to Cardiac Hill, over the Wooden Bridge, turning right on the Cycle Track to turn left up into Gravel Hole Wood

Photo 2 Photo 3
Hello, the Elite group who had come down Snake Hill and up the Slope into Dog Kennel Wood which we had just crossed the WI Bridge to enter.
Leaving Dog Kennel Wood we walked down the Slope, along the bottom of the Dam to

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climb the Long Steps up to the Lake, here Michael had sprinted, yes sprinted, up the steps to get these photos much to the amazement of the others as he is always saying he's tired and weary.

Photo 7
No special birds on view but as we rounded the Lake and walked along the eastern shore we saw the Heron flying up to the tree on the north western end of the Island with nest-building material!
We walked up the Steps on to Cam Lane and proceeded to Hawks Clough where we left the main path so that Eileen could get an update on

Photo 8 Photo 9 Photo 10
the works on Hawksclough Farmhouse, we were surprised that most of the barn on the left had been dismantled

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Not everyone was interested.

Photo 32 - Jane
Back on our way again on the path through Green Wood to the back of

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ASDA, here Eileen spotted the funghi
We dropped down into the wood again and climbed up to Cam Lane which we crossed

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Eileen remarked on the Hall being visible as we walked along the path

Photo 18
and we could see the Ponderosa through the naked trees. I had another photo showing the location but have inadvertently deleted it

Photo 19
Down the steps into the Cow Field, not long now before the cows are released into the field again

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Crossing the field

Photo 23
These long thin clouds mean something special about the weather but I can't find my 'cloud' book.
We went through the Lower Kissing Gate and down to the Cycle Track walking north along the riverside.

Photo 24
One of the buzzards flying overhead. The number of buzzards we see appears to be increasing.
Over the Stone Bridge, up Snake Hill and

Photo 25
back to the Visitors Centre

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The next photos are taken from the veranda after I'd had my lunch. I keep wondering were the green field is on the edge of the wood in photo 27. It looks like the Cow field but you can't see the veranda from the top of the steps.

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You can just make out a bare patch which I'm told is a new newt pond, we'll have to get Ken and Jeremy to come and open it.

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This is looking towards Ice House Wood, looks like some sort of canopy?
Margaret: "It was more of a stroll than a walk, we went down Snake Hill, Dog Kennel Wood, Gravel Hole Wood, along by the river over the Stone Bridge up the path and (on) to the Cinder Path and back to the Visitors Centre"
Today's walks (Red Main Group, Green Short Walk Option Group).
Where there are green arrows on the red route it means the Elite walkers had followed the main >> or the main group had followed the Elite walkers >>. similarly for the blue arrows
Compiled by Michael Swarbrick with grateful thanks to Sheila, Eileen and Jane
Cam Lane
Cam Lane Cottage
The Chorley Walks.
Cinder Path
Cock Cabin Wood
Cuerden Hall
Cuerden Valley's Health Walk
Lower Kem Mill
Hawksclough Farmhouse
Tree Sculpture
Visitors Centre